Chapter 49 - Love is a vampire's greatest weakness

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'' Klaus... How do you always manage to beat your enemies? How is it possible that they never found your weakness? '' I thoughtfully asked, emptily staring at the drink in my hand. I was sitting on the sofa in Klaus's living room.  

Klaus stopped at the door, crossed his arms and narrowed his eyes. He seemed a little bit confused. '' That's a strange way to start a conversation. Why are you asking me this, love? ''  

'' I... '' I sighed. '' I was just thinking of what happened yesterday. How I always thought that... I don't know... ''  

'' Everyone has a weakness, sweetheart, '' he said and slightly smiled.  

I looked at him and frowned. '' Yeah? What about you? '' I raised my eyebrows. '' How is it possible that you have so many enemies and through the past 1000 years no one managed to find your weakness? ''  

He was staring back in to my eyes. '' I thought that you already know what's my weakness. ''  

I was confused. '' What do you mean? ''  

'' 1900 and the vampire hunter Dean, love, '' he simply replied. His blue eyes emptied, then he turned around and walked out of the room. I was staring behind him for a couple of seconds. Then my eyes suddenly widened when I realized what he was talking about. I almost forgot about that. The second time Klaus gave me werewolf venom to save my life.

- Flashback -  


I was in the Mikaelson mansion in Seattle for the past few months. I loved it here. The place was beautiful. But that day wasn't like the others. There was no one in the mansion but me. Elijah was out of town for the past few weeks and the others disappeared somewhere that morning. I wasn't sure where did they go, but I knew that it was connected to the two vampire hunters that arrived in Seattle last month. They already managed to kill 9 vampires so Klaus decided that it was time to take care of them.  

I was just walking through one of the empty hallways of the mansion and wondering when are Klaus and Rebekah going to come back. And I was still pretty mad because Klaus ordered me... He actually ordered me that I can't leave the mansion. For safety. Not to mention that I was starving. It's been three days since I went hunting.  

That was when I heard something behind me and quickly moved, hitting the wall on the right with my back. An arrow stuck in to the wall at the end of the hallway.  

My eyes widened with shock. Arrow...  

I instantly turned in the direction it came from. 

There was a man, standing at the start of the hallway. He had dark brown hair and green eyes. He was dressed in black and I instantly noticed that he was full of weapons. A crossbow, wooden stakes, needles... And by his smell... A vampire hunter.  

'' What are you doing in my house? '' I slowly asked, trying to sound calm. I fixed the skirt of my long black dress. Great. I just had to wear and outfit like that today.  

'' Where are the other vampires that live here? '' he slowly asked and started approaching.  

By the way he was talking and his weapons I knew that he was a skilled vampire hunter. Killing for a lot of years now. I was in trouble... 

'' Vampires? What are you talking about? '' I frowned. '' There aren't such things as vampires. ''  

That was when he fired another arrow in my direction. I instantly moved my hand and caught it right in front of my face. Shit.  

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