Chapter 39 - Werewolf vs. hybrid

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I spent my day at Rebekah's house, together with her and Caroline.  

It was just before lunch. I was lying on the sofa in the living room and wondering how should I spend my day. Rebekah and Caroline were still talking about last night. Rebekah first explained how I almost killed Elena. Then Caroline went for about an hour how that's wrong. After that Rebekah asked her to tell everything about her night with Pete and that was the current topic.  

I wasn't really listening to them when I suddenly raised my head. At first I wasn't sure what happened. It was like something just caught my attention. Then I felt it again, but more clearly.  

I frowned.  

It was Klaus, calling, no ordering me to come out.  

The next second I heard a knock on the door.  

Rebekah looked confused. '' Who is it? '' she called.  

'' It's Klaus, '' I replied. 

She instantly got angry. '' What?! How do you know? What is he even doing here? ''  

'' It's a sire bond thing, '' I explained, shrugging. '' But I have to go, anyway. He wants to talk, or needs me for something... '' I shrugged and frowned.  

'' You have to obey everything that he says? '' Caroline asked, raising her eyebrows.  

I sighed, grabbing my coat. '' Pretty much. '' Klaus was already getting mad. '' I'm coming! '' I yelled, annoyed. Then I looked to Caroline and Rebekah. '' See you later. And you, Caroline, call me and tell me what did you decide about the whole Pete and Tyler thing. ''  

She nodded. '' Sure. ''  

I waved to them and rushed to the door. I stopped in front of it for another second and took a deep breath. I wasn't really in the mood for facing Klaus again. But I still slowly opened the door.  

And there he was, standing just a couple of centimeters away from me, looking better then ever, with a smirk, appearing on his face. His blue eyes shined. And I couldn't help myself from feeling something again when he was with me.  

'' Hello, love, '' he said, smiling.  

I frowned. '' What do you want Klaus? ''  

'' I was hoping for a better welcome, '' he replied, staring in to my eyes. It instantly made me forget what I wanted to say back.  

I blinked. '' What do you want? '' I repeated. '' I'm still mad at you. ''  

He sighed, looking disappointed. '' I'm going to the Lockwood house and I want you to go with me. ''  

'' Why? '' I asked, confused. '' Can't you go by yourself? ''  

He shrugged. '' It's about my hybrids and I want company. ''  

I rolled my eyes, walking out of the house, in the direction of his car. He slowly followed me, carefully studying my face. '' I don't know why are you even asking me that. You can order me whatever you want anyway... ''  

'' Sweetheart, you know that I'll need Elena alive, '' he replied, getting annoyed.  

I turned to him, narrowing my eyes with anger. '' And you know how much I wanted to kill her! ''  

'' My reasons are more important, '' he arrogantly answered, his blue eyes shined.  

'' Tch. Bastard. '' I turned away from him again, jumping in his car and I ignored him the whole way to the Lockwood house.


Tyler's house was pretty amazing. A huge mansion, with a big fountain before the stairs, leading to the entrance. When Klaus and I barged inside it looked like we found ourselves right in the middle of a fight. Tyler was arguing with a girl. She had wavy brown hair and big brown eyes. I instantly smelled that she was a werewolf.  

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