Chapter 50 - BBF

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I was sitting at the bar, waiting for Caroline that called me earlier, telling me that she needed something to tell me. And considering that just like the others she thought that Klaus's house was some kind of creepy haunted house and didn't want to come over I had to move and go to the grill. I had no special plans for today and I was kind of happy when Caroline called me, telling me that she wanted to talk. I was just getting bored at home, considering that Klaus disappeared somewhere, probably doing his usual evil villain stuff and there wasn't a single one of his hybrids I could talk to. I spent the morning, thinking about weaknesses which was probably my current obsession. I already wanted to call Tyler, asking him where Hayley is but Caroline was faster.  

So now I was there, looking around the bar and waiting for her. There was the usual Mike, Mitch or whatever his name was working and it was pretty full of people, considering that it wasn't even noon.  

I was staring at my whiskey with a frown on my face that was clearly showing all the people around me that I wasn't in the mood for talking. It looked like everyone understood that. Everyone except for Stupid and Idiot that appeared at the door and to my disappointment, started walking in my direction.  

Great, just something else to make my day worse.  

'' Dam-Dam, Steffie... What brings you here, talking to your evil sister? '' I meaningfully wondered, without looking at them. '' Let me guess... You need a favour. ''  

Damon sat down on my left side, ordering a glass of whiskey, Stefan was on my left. By the way they looked I guessed that they were concerned about the conversation with me.  

Damon smirked. '' Don't you think that you owe me, after almost killing me? ''  

'' I could ask you the same thing, '' I replied with a fake kind smile.  

Stefan frowned. '' Come on, Damon. You know why are we here. ''  

They looked at each other and I raised my eyebrows, wondering what they were going to tell me.  

Stefan sighed, looked at me and spoke up: '' I was thinking about what happened yesterday. ''  

The glass I was just rising in the direction of my mouth stopped.  

'' And I think that... That is stupid how we fight all the time. I mean, we are family after all, '' he finished.  

I finished my glass and threw it at the wall in front of me, ignoring the angry look Mitch or whatever gave in my direction. '' Family... '' I murmured. '' Really, Steffie? Family? How about all the times we said that we hate each other? ''  

Damon boredly shrugged. '' That isn't hate hate. Is family hate. ''  

I frowned, turning at him. '' And what's the difference? ''  

'' Families can say that to each other. Is different, '' he replied and smirked.  

'' Yeah, and families also can almost kill each other with a wooden stake, '' I asked, grabbing a piece of the broken glass that landed in front of me and sticking it in to Damon's hand.  

His eyes widened for a second, then he frowned with anger. '' You really had to do that? ''  

A grin appeared on my face. '' Yes, I actually did. I feel a lot better now. '' I waved to the barman, telling him that I want another drink. '' You can say it that we are even now, Dam-Dam. Kind of. At least with the whole trying to kill each other thing. If you ask me we can keep talking bad about each other and all the stuff we are always doing. Like you said... '' I smirked at Stefan. '' Family hate, Steffie. ''  

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