Chapter 55 - Pscyho Charlotte

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Kol and I tried to find Charlotte but it was like she vanished. It was about midnight when I gave up and headed back to the grill. Kol said that he'll follow me in a couple of minutes.  

I just walked through the entrance of the grill, not really paying attention to what was around me. Stupid, I know. If I would pay attention I would might notice that there wasn't a single person inside. Just a vampire, that was sitting on a chair, with her legs on the table.  

I stopped at the door and stared at her. My eyes widened.  

I was instantly sure that this was her.  

Charlotte was tall and slim. Her skin was pale. She had wavy dark brown hair and almost completely black crazy eyes. She was wearing a black corset, jeans and high heels. There was a wooden stake in her hand.  

'' Well, well, well... '' I started, carefully looking around. '' Did you empty the grill just for me? ''  

A grin appeared on her face and her eyes flashed at me. '' You know it. It was easy to compel the Matt kid to close the bar and kick everyone out. '' She moved her legs from the table and leaned with her hands on them, staring at me. '' I finally get to meet Alice Salvatore. ''  

I continued smiling. '' I'm famous, aren't I? ''  

She slowly nodded. '' Killed a gang of vampires in Dallas. A whole werewolf pack from Albuquerque. A line of hunters from London... I could go on forever. '' Suddenly she stood up and walked in my direction. I didn't move. '' But there's one question that I have. ''  

'' Before you kill me? '' I asked, smirking.  

'' Of course, '' she replied and giggled. 

She was crazy. Crazy as hell. It was clearly written on her face.  

I crossed my arms. '' Spit it out. ''  

'' How? '' she asked, narrowing her eyes. '' How did you manage to accomplish all of that? You killed vampires that are a lot older and stronger then you. Vampires and werewolves fear you. You have at least 3 witches that would do anything for you. And you also got Kol. ''  

Well, maybe she knew everything about my latest act... She totally got an A+ in stalking me. But how was it possible that she missed the fact that I was with Klaus?  

I showed her an evil smile. '' How? You could say that I'm persistent. Maybe I'm just smarter then everyone else. I killed older vampires that were to cocky to even consider the possibility that someone like me is dangerous. '' I stared at her for a second. '' Beginners mistake, '' I murmured and my smile widened. '' Vampires fear me, you are right, because they know that if I would want I could probably find a way to kill every single one of them. The witches would do anything for me because they owe me a favour for saving them in the past. There's a tip for you. Kill only werewolves and vampires. Witches are much more useful if they are on your side. ''  

'' How about Kol? '' she asked, tossing her head on one side.  

I shook my head. '' I'm not with Kol. ''  

'' Anymore? ''  

I shook my head again, smirking. '' I wasn't even in the first place. ''  

I could see that she was getting angry. '' You are lying. '' She wrapped her fingers around the wooden stake in her hand. '' You are saying this just so I wouldn't kill you. ''  

'' No, '' I slowly replied. '' It's true. I was never with Kol. He told you that just to get rid of you. ''  

Bad thing to say.  

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