Chapter 33 - I always hated hospitals

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Caroline picked me up with her car. We were driving to the hospital. I was still sleepy and not even listening to her talking. I just nodded, every time she stopped for a second, probably waiting for my answer.  

'' Alice? Alice! Are you even listening to me? ''  

I raised my head. '' Hm? Sorry, Caroline. I was just thinking. ''  

'' You aren't still mad, are you? '' She turned to me, looking sad.  

I slowly shook my head. '' No. Don't worry. We are okay. '' I smiled. '' I'm just mad at Elena and Stefan. ''  

'' So you made up with Damon? ''  

I nodded. '' Yeah. We are back to our usual relationship where we don't hate or actually like each other. ''  

She narrowed her eyes and carefully asked: '' That's good, right? ''  

I smiled. '' Yup. ''  

'' What did you wanted to ask Tyler? '' 

I shrugged, staring to the houses we were passing. '' Nothing special. I just wanted to know something more about how's like being a hybrid. Because I'm totally lost. '' You knew that I really was totally lost when I swallowed my pride and actually asked someone for help.  

Caroline frowned. '' I almost forgot... Sorry. ''  

'' It wasn't your fault, '' I replied and sighed. '' It was all just me. ''  

'' I think it was more K... ''  

'' Stop it, '' I interrupted her. '' I don't wanna hear that. ''  

She shrugged. '' As you wish. ''  

She just stopped the car in front of the hospital. I jumped out and followed her inside, walking through the snow. I was just wondering how much time it'll last. I hoped that it will be gone before January but it didn't looked like it.  

I was looking around the waiting room of the hospital. I was feeling uncomfortable. I never liked hospitals. And considering that I was a vampire I never even got in to one. Well, maybe just when I stole some blood bags.  

Caroline just smiled and waved to somebody: '' Hey, Meredith! ''  

I turned and looked to a young woman that started walking to us. She had long, wavy brown hair and brown eyes. She was kindly smiling to us. So that was the Meredith that also knew about the supernatural. '' Caroline. You came to visit Tyler? '' she asked and stopped in front of us. Then she turned to me. '' Who are you? ''  

'' Alice, '' I introduced myself and nodded.  

Caroline quickly added: '' Stefan and Damon's sister. ''  

Meredith smiled. '' I heard a lot about you. ''  

'' I'm sure that just bad, horrible things, '' I boredly said. I wasn't in the mood to pretend being nice to someone that had a smile that was annoying me enough to punch her to the other part of the hospital.  

Meredith was carefully looking at me. '' Well... Actually yes... Kind of... But also nice things. Don't worry. ''  

'' I don't care enough to worry, '' I replied.  

Meredith turned to Caroline. '' She's going through some troubles? ''  

'' Yeah, '' Caroline replied. '' Just ignore that. ''  

'' I'm standing right here, '' I said and crossed my arms. I frowned.  

Meredith laughed and gestured us to follow her. '' Come. Tyler's room is in the second floor. He's recovering great. '' I followed them to the stairs that were leading to the second floor. They were talking about Tyler, when he'll be able to leave the hospital and stuff like that. It looked like he healed quickly and he was already fine enough to go today.  

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