Chapter 28 - The bad part of dark magic

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The full moon was slowly rising on the dark sky. It was shining on the white snow and the trees, covered with it. The cold wind was slightly blowing.  

I was standing close to the Salvatore Boarding house, sitting on a rock. The collar of my coat was leading to my chin and I was so covered with my scarf and cap that you could see only my eyes. It started snowing again and it was surely at least ten degrees under zero. I was waiting for Pete, hugging one of Bonnie's scarfs with her scent on it.  

Suddenly I heard a twig crack. I quickly stood up and turned. I stared directly in to yellow eyes. A wolf, bigger then me, was standing behind me. His fur was copper red. It was Pete.  

I raised my arm and patted his head.  

'' Here you are, idiot. I almost turned in to a snowman waiting for you, '' I murmured. Then I pushed the scarf under his nose. He smelled it and slowly raised his big head, looking through the woods.

I waited for a couple of seconds. Then he turned and started running.  

I quickly followed him.  

At first I wasn't sure where were we going. Then I recognized the way to the cemetery. I was confused. What was Bonnie doing there? We arrived to a clearing in the middle of the forest. Pete stopped in front of something.  

I walked closer and saw a hole in the ground. But the strange thing was that there was another floor under it. A cave.  

I looked to Pete again and smiled. '' Thanks, Pete. I owe you one. Can you stay here and guard? ''  

He groaned, then slowly laid on the ground next to the hole.  

I took a deep breath and jumped in to the cave.  

I landed in the middle of a big room, with a corridor, proceeding somewhere in the darkness. I grabbed a torch that was on the wall and followed it. I wasn't sure why but I had a really bad feeling about this. Like something terrible was going to happen.  

Suddenly I reached the end of the corridor. I was sure that I was at least fifty meters under ground now. I walked in to another big cave, with a lot of small candles on the wall. Then I stopped when I noticed Bonnie and Tyler/Klaus, standing next to Klaus's coffin. I had no idea that it was here.  

'' What's going on? '' I asked, my eyes widened.  

Bonnie turned to me. '' Klaus gone crazy. ''  

'' How did you find us? '' Klaus asked, confused.  

'' I had a little help from a certain werewolf, '' I replied and shrugged. '' But what are you two doing here? ''  

'' Klaus wants to go back in to his body, '' Bonnie replied.  

Klaus yelled with anger: '' She lied to me! She told me that my body got completely destroyed and it'll need a lot more time to heal! ''  

'' I can't transfer you back in it! I don't have enough power! '' Bonnie screamed back.  

It looked like I found myself right in the middle of a witch/hybrid fight If I was right, then the problem was that Klaus wanted to go back in his body or something like that, but Bonnie didn't had the power to do it.  

Klaus suddenly walked to her, grabbing her neck and lifting her in the air. '' Then use dark magic. ''  

She quickly saved herself and took two steps away. '' Dark magic? Are you crazy?! ''  

'' Do it now! ''  

'' Klaus... '' I started.  

'' Stay out of this, love, '' he said, still staring at Bonnie with anger.  

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