Chapter 48 - Revenge

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Rebekah and I needed a place to go. We didn't want to go to Klaus's mansion so we ended up in her house. We were currently in a room in Rebekah's house that was next to the living room. I was wondering how was it possible that each one of the supernatural population of Mystic Falls had a torturing chamber.  

There was an unconscious Elena, tied to a chair in front of us. I was smiling and shaking my head. '' Hitting her head with a candlestick. Ah, works every time. ''  

Rebekah that was leaning to the wall with her arms crossed smirked and then stared at Elena. '' Look. I think that she's waking up. ''  

Elena slowly opened her eyes and raised her head. '' What happened... '' she started, then she noticed us and instantly became nervous. She was looking around and trying to move but she couldn't. '' Vervain, '' she hissed, showing her fangs. Then she turned at me and Rebekah. '' What's going on? What am I doing here? ''  

'' Don't worry, '' I said. '' You aren't the star of the show tonight. You are just the bait for my real victim. ''

'' What? Then why did you take me... '' Suddenly her eyes widened. '' Damon, '' she whispered. '' You are going to kill Damon. ''  

'' Ding ding ding, '' I said, smiling.  

'' No! You can't! '' she started and shook her head. '' You can't kill him. ''  

I frowned. '' He almost killed me. Now I'm going to show him what real pain is. '' I stepped to a drawer on the side and pulled out a dagger. I was wondering how did I look with a weapon in my hand and in a party dress, all ready for dancing.  

'' But he's your brother! '' she screamed.  

Rebekah just rolled her eyes, still without saying anything.  

I was just staring at Elena. My face was expressionless.  

'' You don't wanna kill him! '' she cried. '' He's your brother! Stefan'll come after you if you kill him! And you'll feel sorry for the rest of the eternity if you kill Damon! ''  

I slowly narrowed my eyes. I was getting more and more angry with every word that came out of her mouth. I placed the dagger on her neck and leaned closer to her face. My eyes were empty. '' The last time I talked to my brothers they both told me that maybe we are related but for them I'm not their sister anymore ever since I stepped on Klaus's side. ''  

'' What? '' Elena whispered, her eyes widened. 

'' Do you know how is to be alone? '' I slowly asked, tossing my head on one side.  

I noticed that she already wanted to say something when I heard yelling at the door.  

'' Get out this second, Alice! And it's better for you that nothing happened to Elena! '' It was Damon. He finally got here and he sounded pretty mad.  

'' Elena? What Elena? '' I yelled back.  

'' Damon! '' Elena screamed. '' I'm here! Don't get inside! It's a... ''  

I gestured to Rebekah that speed to Elena, stopped behind her chair and covered her mouth with her hands, hissing: '' You better shut up, before I kill you. Alice cares about Klaus and she won't do it because she knows that he needs you but I don't give a shit about his hybrids. Do you understand? ''  

Elena slowly nodded, staring at Rebekah with scared wide eyes.  

I looked at Rebekah that smiled, nodded and moved the hand from Elena's mouth.  

'' I heard her! '' Damon screamed. It looked like he started walking around the house now. '' Come out! ''  

'' What if I kill her? You can't stop me, no one invited you in yet! ''  

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