Chapter Thirty Seven

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Jade and the rest walk into the office, as they walked in everyone in the office stopped what they were doing and watched them all enter. Some stood there with their eyes wide, several had a look of confusion on their face. She saw Alex in the conference room looking through several papers, she also saw Carson by the door. She gave a soft smile to Carson before entering the room. She closed the door once everyone was in, Alex got up and walked towards them.

"It's nice to finally meet you all in person, my name is Alex Santino and I'm with the FBI. I'm sure Mrs. Castillo has already addressed you on what she knows." As he spoke he gave everyone a welcoming handshake. "Please take a seat." He then sits back to where he sat before, Jade sat next to him and saw the several papers that he was looking through.

"So I'm only aware of the four men here, but I'm not sure who these two woman are." Alex points out.

"Oh, this is Jaiden and Robyn. They are also apart of the gang." Jade speaks as she skimmed through the papers.

"These papers are from the government, I've checked these papers several times to see if they have not add any manipulation onto you guys. These papers, to sum things up, say that once you sign these papers you will not be charged or arrested. It also says that when you sign this, you agree to follow our rules and we will also follow yours. That's basically it." Alex then passed out the papers to each then handing pens. They all looked at Jade.

"Can we trust them?" Luke asks. Jade nods.

"Alex is my best friend, he doesn't like to start any trouble or have any enemy. He trusts you guys."

They all looked at each other before they signed where they needed to, when they were done they handed it back to him.

"Thank you. Okay so as you can see on that whiteboard. We have six victims, they are all at the age of seventeen. All murdered the same type of way, their throats slit open. We actually had an autopsy on each of their bodies, they had oxygen deprivation and brain damage. A lot of things can lead to both oxygen deprivation and brain damage, as the forensic scientists checked into the first two victims. They concluded that they were water boarded at first-" Alex stopped and glanced at Jade, Jade was tensed and looked at both Robyn and Jaiden. The two had sadness in their eyes, they didn't know how Jade was tortured. But the way they saw how Jade reacted it clicked to them.

"This is his way of torture, and when the victims are weak. He finishes his job. We still have no trail of fingerprints or any idea who it could be." Alex finishes. He looks at Jade again and pats her shoulder, she gives him a small reassuring smile.

"I'm not sure if Jade has told you this, but all these six victims were our customers. We wouldn't see them for a week, and next thing you know they are found. It is a bit strange for targeting young teenagers, all seventeen. If anything that is all we can give you in a way." Michael spoke.

"It is strange, but thank you for giving me that piece of evidence. Do you know any reason why they disappeared?" Alex asks as he wrote several notes down.

"Actually we don't. They just suddenly vanished, they were our regular customers. Sometimes we will call to tell them that we have what they wanted and they would come but this time they didn't." Ashton responds.

"Huh... We have another piece of evidence." Alex stands up and grabs a small bag with the letters. "Each letter were found in each victims clothing. They most likely will create a word when the person is done with his killing, or who knows he might go after more." He puts on gloves and sets them down on the table. Everyone stood up and looked at the letters.

"You know for a second I thought of penis, I apologize for my immature behavior. But it also looks like..." Calum says.

"Princess." Jade and Michael said at the same time. Jade remembers the dream she had, she remembered the voice. The voice saying princess, she then remembered those unexplained gifts.

"Carson..." Jade calls out his name. Carson walks in and looks at Jade.

"Go to my suite, and under my bed you should see if I can remember three gifts. The gifts were suede-like, when you find them. I want you to come back here with them."

"Of course Ms. Castillo. I'll be back in a couple of minutes." He then leaves quickly.

"What does the gifts have to do with anything?" Alex asks confused.

Jade stood there in silence.

"I should have told you..."

hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! remember to leave a like or comment, love you guys xx

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