Chapter Three

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Carson takes Jade back to the office, someone's assistant handed Jade coffee when she entered the office. She thanks the assistant before walking in the conference room, where everyone was waiting. She takes the ecstasy out of her pocket it and threw it on the table. Everyone glanced at her as she took a sip of her coffee, she places the coffee down and looks at the door to see Alex come in and smile at her giving her a small nod.

He walks in front of the room and sets his laptop down.

"Today Ms. Castillo has bought ecstasy from Ashton Irwin..." He points at the photo behind him. "We have heard everything, during the dealing. Ashton's phone rang and he picked it up. He proceeds to say that he has not heard anything from Michael Clifford about the two teenage boys. He then proceeds on speaking with Mr. Hood also known as Calum, which whom he was on the phone with, he proceeds on telling him to keep Clifford under control before he does something crazy. Which I can finally say that, these four men have murdered these two teenage boys."

Jade furrows her eyebrows in confusion. "Wait-wait-wait, hold on a moment. We don't have enough evidence that these young men murdered these two boys. Just because of this phone call that we've both heard, should not make a sudden conclusion that they've murdered them." She speaks as everyone had eyes on her.

"Ms. Valentin Castillo, are you trying to say that these young men are innocent of murdering these two teens?"

"No! I did not in any way say that I find these young men innocent. We just don't have enough evidence to prove that they murdered these teens. They are not the only gang in Detroit. Remember about tomorrow?"

"Yes, I clearly remember about tomorrow." He sighs. Seeming like he just wanted to close the case. She rolled her eyes and looked at everyone at the table.

"Both Mr. Irwin and Hood will meet in a cafe near the area Irwin gave me the drugs. If I go to that cafe and see if I can get enough evidence to prove that they actually did murdered these teens, with a reason too. Then we can convict them of murder."

"If anyone believes that we should continue on and get more evidence from these men, raise your hand." Alex says as he looks at everyone.

About almost everyone raised their hand, Jade felt glad that almost everyone agreed with her statement. Before Alex spoke, the Sheriff came in. His face looked like a mix of apprehension and seriousness.

"What is it Sheriff?" He asked looking a bit concerned.

"A couples body has been found. Same way the teens were killed." The sheriff spoke.

Everyone looked at both Alex and Jade. Alex looked at her waiting for an answer.

"Try to find out what these four victims have in common. If it's the same way they were killed, there has to be a reason for this and why. I'll be at the cafe tomorrow at 5." Jade answers before exiting the office leaving everyone to talk to each other and ask questions to the sheriff.

Carson follows and takes her back to her hotel. When they arrived back to the hotel, as they walk in the lobby. There he was. He was at the couch sitting and clearly looking at her. His eyes never leaving hers, the same feeling came to her. The feeling of losing her innocence again; he smirks at her. He gets up and walks by her, his arm almost touching her own arm. She turns around to look where he went, but he was gone. Who was he?

hope you guys enjoyed chapter three!
do you think they actually murdered those people? who is that guy?
don't forget to like and comment! love you guys xx

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