Chapter Thirty Five

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"Why Jade, why!" Michael started raising his voice. Jade didn't flinch, her vision starts to blur from the tears forming in her eyes. She felt two hands grip the sides of her shoulders, she blinked the tears falling down her cheeks. Michael looked into her eyes, the pain and anger in his eyes. Michael loosened his grip on her shoulders, his face softening. His eyes glossy, he let her go and started pacing a bit. She knew he was thinking, she stood there watching. She wiped her tears, Michael stopped pacing and walked towards her. He gently touched her shoulders where he gripped on, a light bruise started to form. He looked at her in the eyes, his hand slowly snaking around her waist. His other hand on the back of her neck.

Her heart beating against her chest, she looked at his lips then his eyes. Their lips softly brushing against each other, he then moves his head and pressed his lips against hers tenderly. Their lips moving in sync, her heart fluttered with every kiss. The kiss being tender and passionate, he pulled her closer causing the kiss to become deeper. Their lips slowly becoming pinker and plumper, they couldn't stop but then they did. They both breathed heavily, their eyes meeting each other again. His soft warm lips start to leave kisses from her lips to her neck, they started moving slowly towards the small hallway. He pushed the bedroom door open with his foot, it started to rain again. They both heard the loud sounds of the raindrops coming down, the faint thunder from across the city.

He starts to unzip her sweater slowly, he removes it and set it aside. He removes her long-sleeve shirt revealing her simple black bra. His lips never leaving her neck, he moves towards the bed both slowly sinking into it. Her back against the cold silk causing her to receive chills down her spine. He takes off his jacket and shirt, revealing his soft pale skin. He unzips his jeans and slowly pulls them off, his hands then unbuttoning hers. His lips now tracing down to her chest, leaving love bites against breast. She unclasp her bra before taking it off and setting it at the side of the bed, his tongue then brushed against her nipple. Sending pleasure all over her body. His tongue moves to the other nipple, she started to breath heavily.

His length slowly hardening as she let out several soft moans, he slowly removes her undergarments. His finger tracing down to slowly play with her clit, the loud thunder covering her soft moans. His middle finger slightly moving inside the entrance but then pulling it out, he slowly pulls his briefs down. His length completely hardened, he kisses her lips tenderly once more before slightly entering the tip. He very smoothly moves in, he gives small thrusts. Jade let out a soft moan, her nails lightly scratching down his back. He then moved his hips back then thrusting back in, his thrusts weren't rough. They were passionate but deep, his hands meeting hers and connecting them.

His thrusts were in complete rhythm, his soft curses and groans would make her receive goosebumps against her skin. The loud thunder clashing, the light from the thunder coming by quickly but be gone. He moves her legs a bit wider, he moves his hips causing himself to get deeper. The moans and whimpers from Jade from the intense pleasure she hadn't had in years, she didn't expect this side of Michael but another part of her knew he was passionate. She couldn't think straight by the amount of pleasure she was receiving, her heart was beating crazy. Michael's groans filling in the air, he felt the intense-burning pleasure. He didn't want the first to be quick and without meaning, he wanted to give her pleasure and love. His thrusts start to grow slow, he changed his pace resulting a stronger intensifying pleasure for both. Jade's moving to Michael's arm, her nails lightly dragging down leaving red marks.

Jade shut her eyes tightly and gripped on the bed sheets, Michael looked at her he lowers his head and starts to leave kisses from her neck then to her lips. The kiss filled with passion and meaning. Both their moans and groans coming out of their mouths as they kissed, Michael stopped kissing her and moved his lips to her neck. He then stops with the kisses, his head next to hers. She could hear his heavy breathing and soft curses, he lets out a soft grunt.

After a while his thrusts start to grow sloppy, Jade was about to reach her high and Michael was about to reach his. Within seconds Jade reaches her climax, within a couple of seconds so did Michael. They both breath heavily, he looked into her eyes and wiping a light sweat from her forehead. He kisses her lips one last time before slowly getting off of her. He then holds her and covered themselves with the blanket. She knew that the emotional and physical attraction towards Michael was like... Ecstasy. He was her drug, the drug she will be addicted to.

they finally did it, hope you guys enjoyed this chapter because I did. remember to leave a like or comment! love you guys xx

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