Chapter Twelve

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Jade woke up and saw that it was raining outside, she saw that she was alone and had a note on her bed. It was Alex apologizing for leaving her alone a bit, and how she should take a break from the case. As much as she wanted to get back to work, she knew that she shouldn't push herself. She took a quick shower and wore something warm, she grabs an umbrella that was in her suitcase, though she thought she would never use it. She walked out of the elevator then to the lobby. She walked to the cafe and asked for a coffee and a simple muffin. She sat down at a table and was reading an article from her phone, she ignored her surroundings like always.

She heard the chair in front of her move, she quickly looked up and saw Michael. She tensed and quickly put down her money before walking away quickly. She walked out quickly and quickly opened her umbrella, she walked in the crowd that was waiting for the light to change. She tried to not move to make sure he wouldn't see her. As everyone was moving, she was about to walk till someone grabbed her wrist a pulled her back. She tripped but was caught when that person grabbed her waist and pulled her against their body. Her umbrella was on the sidewalk and she quickly looked up and it was Michael. He was soaking wet, and she was getting wet too.

He never stopped looking at her eyes, he was breathing heavily as if he ran. His face close to hers, she felt a bit of his warm breath warming up her face from the cold. Her heart racing once again, his eyes making her feel warm inside. She squirmed and tried getting away from him, but he held onto to her tighter. He squatted down and started to carry her on his shoulder and grabbed her umbrella. He started to walk to his car, he opens to back seat and put her inside and went in too. Calum was in the front and started the car.

"You didn't hurt her right?" Calum spoke as he did a u-turn.

"No I didn't fucking hurt her! I don't want to!" Michael spat his eyes turning darker. Jade quickly touched his thigh, she didn't want to see him quickly get mad. Michael tensed but relaxed and looked at her hand, his heart suddenly beating crazy. Jade knew she should try jumping out of the car and run away from them. She knew she shouldn't trust these guys, but she felt safe. Especially with Michael.

"Why did you run? I've spent the entire day yesterday looking for you. Did you say anything to the police?" He looked at her, his eyes never leaving hers. Jade for some reason couldn't speak, she shook her head at his last question.

"Are you lying?"

"I-I'm not. I promise I'm not lying."

"Then why did you run."

"You like... Completely changed. You were like one person, then immediately clicked to a different person."

"I'm sorry." His whispers and looks at her hand still on his thigh. Jade didn't realize it and she moved it away. Then they were back at his apartment.

hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!
remember to leave a like or comment, love you guys xx

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