Chapter Twenty One

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It was the next morning and Jade walked in the bathroom and brushed her teeth and hair, she then walked to the living room to see Ashton still sound asleep. Michael was asleep on the other couch, she walks in the kitchen and saw Calum with Jaiden.

"I'm telling you, it's her. I know it's her." She head Jaiden whisper loudly to him.

"How sure are you about this? A lot of people look alike." He says. Jade opens the cabinet and turns on the coffee maker, when Jaiden heard someone she saw Jade and smiled.

"Good morning." Jaiden says. Calum turns around and nods at her. "Hey Jade... Is it okay if Robyn and I took you somewhere? Like maybe the mall?"

Jade pours herself some coffee and added a bit of sugar, she turns around and nods. "Sure, I wouldn't mind that."

"Great, we will back here at 2." Jaiden says before walking back to the guest room.
Jade felt that Jaiden knew something about her, the way she said that she knew her from somewhere. She shook that thought off and walked back to the living room to see Michael awake, his eyes looking sleepy. He sees her and gives her a soft smile. She sat next to him and turned on the tv, she took a sip. It was quiet but not an uncomfortable-awkward quiet, it was a nice quiet. She felt him staring at her, she looks at him. "Why do you always stare at me?" She asks.

He shrugs and smirks, "why can't I? I can't help looking at someone so unique."

Jade felt herself go red, she shakes her head and laughs. "very cheesy."

Both Jaiden and Robyn left afterwards with Luke and Calum. Ashton stayed a bit, before leaving too. Michael was on the phone outside with someone, she tried her best to hear the conversation but she couldn't hear. She went through her phone, she went through her emails and texts. She walked back to the couch and switched the channel to the news, she saw a man explaining that there will be a small memorial of the four victims. It then showed the street filled with flowers, teddy bears, pictures of them with their loved ones and candles. Michael came back in and watched the news. She heard him come back in, she turns around and faces him.

"Four of these victims were killed the same way. They were all 17. I don't understand how someone can... kill someone. Especially when they are young." She says turning back to look at the tv. Michael sighs and sits next to her.

"I agree, no one deserves to be killed. But sometimes some people do, when I say some people I mean the ones that try to hurt us or get near our loved ones."

Jade looks at him, she takes this chance to try to find some evidence. "Did you know who those four victims were?" She asks.

"Do you think I ki- come on Jade." He scoffs his mood changing. Jade shakes her head quickly.

"I did not any way say that you killed those teens Michael, I was just curious."

"As crazy as it is, I may be in a gang but we don't really kill someone. I'm not saying that we haven't... But it was pretty rare. Those four victims used to be my customers." Michael points at the tv that shows the photos of the four victims on the screen.

Jade nods and thinks a bit, she thought that what if the murderer were killing off Michaels customers. "When was the last time you saw them? If you can possibly remember." She asks.

Michael stayed quiet thinking about it. "Possibly two weeks ago. Well, actually the two teens was two weeks ago. The couple was last week..." He then looked at the table. She knew he was thinking of something. She looks at him and looked at the expression on his, it's like if he figured something out. He quickly got up and went on his phone to call someone.
"I have to go somewhere, it's one so Jaiden and Robyn will be here soon. Goodbye Jade." He then left.

what do you think Michael figured out?
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