Chapter Seventeen

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For the rest of the night Michael promised to not leave, he sat at the small couch across his room. The entire time he was questioning why was she screaming, why she was screaming his name too. He didn't know what was going on, but he knew it shouldn't matter. He knew he shouldn't care about her, like she told him; he doesn't know her. He thought about it for a while, he saw Jade gripping on the bedsheets and she whimpered. He got up and quickly sat beside where she was sleeping, he grabbed her hand and saw that she slowly calmed down.

The next morning, Jade woke up and walked to the bathroom. She didn't have a toothbrush but she saw mouthwash and used that instead. She fixed her hair and walked out to see Luke and Calum in the living room watching the news. She walked closer and watched. It was Alex, her eyes widened.

"We have concluded that these four victims were murdered by the same person. We don't know who is the murderer is yet. But we do know they will come after more, we will the police out at 9 P.M. They will be making sure your family and loved ones will be safe, we will try to find this person. Thank you everyone." Alex finished and it switched back to a woman with weather. Luke and Calum jumped when they saw Jade.

"Jesus Christ, Jade you scared us. We didn't know you were there." Calum laughed.

"Where is Michael?" She asks grabbing her phone. Several missed calls from Carson and Alex.

"Your boyfriend left because he had to do something. Why?" Luke responds.

"I have to go to work. I need to go to my place." She says before opening several doors before finding the laundry room and seeing her clothes on top of the dryer nicely folded. She quickly changes in the laundry room, putting on her boots. She folds Michael's clothes and set it on his bed before walking back to the living room.
Luke and Calum looked at her, "Michael actually told us to not let you leave." Calum spoke.

"Well I have to go work, where the hell is my- wait I see it." She grabs her umbrella from the side of the the door. Both Luke and Calum quickly go up to her. "What?" She asks about to open the door.

"Can we go to your place?" Calum asks.

"No yo-"

"Pleeeeaaaasse." Both Luke and Calum say in unison making puppy eyes. Jade groans.

"Fine. Just don't question where I live." She says before opening the door and walking down the hallway with both Calum and Luke goofing off behind her.

With Calum letting her drive his car, she made it to her place. She parks in the parking lot under the hotel. She walks in the lobby and can hear Luke and Calum make comments on how fancy the place was. The three get on the elevator.
"I like the elevator music." Calum jokes making them all laugh. They walk out and they walk before Jade scans her card in, she gets in.

"Holy crap-"

"I did not expect this, I call the tv." Luke says running the couches and grabbing the control. Jade's phone began to rang. She saw it was Alex.

"I'm so sorry Alex, I slept in." She apologizes.

"No, no it's fine. I've actually talked to our boss and he insisted on you to take break if you wanted to. But knowing you, I told him that it will be impossible because you're hard headed. So he says that, you will still take a break but you can at least take in some more evidence." Alex finishes.

"I think that's good enough, I have a lot." She says going in the bathroom and starts brushing her teeth.

"Great! I also have to tell you what we found. Since the four victims have been murdered the same way, they also have been found in different streets. But not far from each other, they also have the same clean cuts. So same weapon. The couple were also the same age, 17. Find what you can find from the four men."

"Alright, thank you." Jade says before they both hanged up. Calum walks by with a bowl of popcorn, "you still going to work?"

Jade shakes her head, "manager is giving me a vacation."

"That's great!" Calum says plopping down next to Luke.

Jade walks in the room to see the two gifts that Alex sent a pic to her. Who are they from?

who do you think sent the gifts to Jade?
remember to leave a like or comment, love you guys xx

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