Poisonous Spider Bite

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Hey guys! so I just wanted to give a little update of my life real quick.

I totally won't be updating for a little while.


Because I got bit by a poisonous spider and I literally feel like I'm in hell! here's the story:

I was getting ready for work around 4:30pm on saturday, and as I was putting on my work pants, I felt a sharp sting on the back of my leg. I took off my pants and looked around and shook them but nothing appeared, so I thought nothing of it, put my pants back on, and went to work like normal.

For the first 30 minutes of work, that spot itched like crazy. Again, I thought nothing of it. I was feeling weaker and weaker throughout the day and I thought I was just getting tired because I had closing shift. At the end of my shift, around 12:00, midnight, my co-worker asked if I was allergic to something because I looked really red, which was strange because I'm not allergic to anything a far as I knew, I had done nothing different so I didn't know what was happening.

When I went home, I asked my stepdad to look me over and see if there was something wrong. I had a fever and I was red all over my back, stomach, chest, hands, feet and face. He sent me to bed and woke up my mom and told her everything. 10 minutes later, I'm on my way to the Emergency Room.

At 1:30 I got there, and they took me back immediately while other patients waited in the room for god knows how long. They put me in a hospital bed and put an IV in me, and with at least 4 different syringes, they injected me with 4 different substances. After sleeping for about 2 hours, I got out at 3:00am and I was prescribed with 3 different pills and they said if it doesn't get better or it gets worse to come back in the next 48 hours.

For 2 days I took these pills, and the redness had gone down slight but the bite itself got worse. 3:00pm Monday, I go back to the emergency room. This time we waited for a good hour and a half before try took me back, and when I got back there, there was another 30 minutes of waiting before the doctor came in. All they did was put me on another antibiotic, and let me go around 6:00ish.

They say it was a brown recluse that bit me, and those are pretty toxic.

So now I'm back home and my bite hurts like hell but I will be ok.

I won't be updating until this whole thing is over so please be patient with me (no pun intended)!

So yeah that's that I just wanted to update you guys on the last 3 days so yeah.

Hopefully this goes away so I can update again but I just can't because the medicine makes me drowsy. I'm surprised I'm even writing this so I'm gonna end it here.

I'll recover soon! Love you guys!

-Bailee ;D

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