"It's almost dinner time, Harry," I murmured. "Do you want me to take Elijah and feed him?" 

"N-no, d-do not want to let go. Is s-sleeping, anyway. Will feed when h-he is awake," he sniffled. 

"I just remember when Victor," I croaked, awkwardly scratching the back of my neck. "You kind of shut down on us then. But Harry, even if you want to do that now you can't Elijah-" 

"A-am not going to l-leave my baby boy, if t-that is what you are saying," Harry gurgled. "Could not. Is what... is my little piece of Louis, my Feenna's beebee brother... c-could not leave him a-all alone because I w-was sad. Heart would hurt more if I d-did not have him." 

Harry's teary green eyes rose to meet mine, and I bit my lip as I examined him. In the two years I'd known him, he'd come so far from the hybrid Louis found in an alley. He wasn't completely helpless anymore, he could care for himself and for the people he loved. 

"I know," I whispered. "You're a good Dada." 

His face crumpled once more, "Then I w-would have let t-them take me a-and not my beebee girl a-and my beebee girl a-and Louis and Zayn would s-still be safe!" 

"Don't talk like that," I said firmly, but I wanted desperately to just give the poor lad a hug. He'd pressed his face into Elijah's curls again, his ears still weren't visible, and he was back to shaking with silent sobs. "Harry, I don't want any of you to be taken. Not my best friends, and not my hybrid best friend. And especially not defenseless little Fionna." 

"T-Tell Chris I a-am sorry," Harry sobbed out. "Know... know w-what it is like t-to feel b-broken. B-Because I d-do not have my Louis and Feenna and he d-does not have his Zayn. All my fault." 

"It's not your fault," I soothed. "Now listen, you stay here with Elijah, I'm going to get you and him something to eat, okay? You don't have to leave him." 

Harry didn't respond, but I grabbed the formula and a bottle from Elijah's nappy bag before slipping out of the door and shutting it behind me so Lucy couldn't escape. I nearly ran into Chris, who looked startled before his face fell again, "Sorry. I was just seeing how Harry was doing." 

"He thinks it's his fault," I mumbled, rubbing at my eyes. "I... can they all three just be spontaneously back?" 

Chris' face crumpled slightly before he sucked in a shuddering breath, "Yeah... no kidding. Louis, that poor baby... my fiancé-" 

His shoulders slumped forward, and I gasped as he released a dry sob and collapsed against my chest, "Chris!" 

"I'm sorry, I just-" he sobbed out. "When I lost Adam it nearly broke me, I don't think I could handle- if Zayn-"

"Don't think like that!" I pleaded, but then my face crumpled as well. "But I... I'm not in the same position as you now. Of course, I've been somewhat in your position, apparently if a person dates a hybrid they have to be emotionally capable of facing what's to come because-" 

But then he was straightening up and scrubbing at his eyes, "I... okay. I can't think like that, though, you're right... it won't help anything. I need to... just stay calm, wait for Dr. Shell to do what he does best... and then help to the best of my ability."

"Jay and Dr. Shell found Fionna a year back when Ella took her... surely they can find two men and a baby if they can find a baby," I pointed out. "Um... I don't know your house well, so I hate to ask this of you, but could you take Harry and Elijah some food? Just a bottle in Elijah's case." 

"Of course," Chris nodded. "I was about to go talk to Harry anyway, I might as well take him food."

"I need to go check-up on Niall and Baxter," I murmured, giving Chris as friendly rub on the back before dashing up the stairs to the second level guest room. Harry was on the ground floor, and there was still one more in the basement of the house. In my and Niall's guest room, Baxter was toddling around the room exploring and peeking in things and under things. As I stepped into the room, his eyes lit up and his tail wagged madly as he came running on his short clumsy legs. 

Uniquely Ever After - Larry Stylinson AU Kitten!Harry (MPREG) {Book4}Where stories live. Discover now