Chapter 40

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(Naomi's P.O.V)

Mummy had came to pick me up and as promised, Max's mum told my mum about what happened. I knew that the minute I entered the car and the door was shut I was going to be questioned and most likely yelled at.

"Naomi-Mae Elizabeth Cullen what have you been doing?" Mum demanded. Urg I hated her using my full name.

"I was walking to the kitchen to get a drink when I heard Renesmee tell Hayley that's she was going to get whatever Wicked brought in and put it in my bag, the she asked if I wanted to hang my bag up and I let her knowing she would put it in then so a few minutes later I went to my bag then got out the dead bird then put it in her bag!" I explained to her. She sighed at this, I knew that mum hated us fighting.

"Okay well I will be punishing the both of you, Naomi, you will be grounded for a week and no art or TV or music!" She told me and I sighed this was so unfair. We arrived home and dad was waiting for me, I am guessing Auntie Alice had told him about what happened.

"Naomi-Mae, why do that to your sister!" Dad demanded he was so understanding and reasonable, in his head.

"Mum tell him I am going to bed!" I stated plainly and wondered up the stairs hoping no-one will follow me! Thankfully no-one did, I go into my bed and practically straight asleep.

(Renesmee's P.O.V)

Well today has been fun, I know that when I do get home I will be in serious trouble as Naomi will have had chance to tell them what she says.

"I'm tired!" Max complained. We had been messing around and making random stuff for ages maybe hours so now we was all pretty tired. Max's mum is really nice, we all have sleeping bags and pillows along with melt in your mouth chocolate chip cookies. I love Max's house, apart from his little sister McKayler won't leave me alone.

I woke up the next morning and got into my uniform, I was surprised I was aloud to sleep at Max's on a school night. I mean I wasn't tired but Nadine and Liam was, last night with them was horrendous.

                                         *********Flash Back************

I was watching a video on YouTube of my phone when Nadine came up.

"Look Renesmee, you can't keep this up!" She moaned.

"I can't can I, I think you will find I can!" I stated going back to my phone. She sighed.

"Look we never wanted for you to be hurt by the dare!" She continued.

"Then why did you do it and let it go on for so long?" I asked getting really frustrated.

"I don't know!" Plainly stated, I couldn't take this. I stood up and slapped her.

"Don't ever talk to me again, same goes to Liam, if you do I will do more then slap you!" I yelled at her storming past her and over to where Max was, he was playing what looked like fruit ninja. With that I slapped him with a pillow which leaded to the biggest pillow fight

                      **************Present Time****************

I walked into school with Hayley whom had met me at the gates of school. I informed her of what happened with Nadine. Naomi was in class already she walked up to me this was going to be great!

"Thanks. I have a week being grounded!" She complained at me.

"HAHAHA serves you right then!" I commented back. She gave me a hard push so I fell over. THUD. I went onto the floor, this caused a few looks from class mates. I stood back up and scratched her arm. She yanked at my hair and we went into full mode girl fight.

"NAOMI, RESNESMEE BREAK IT UP!" Miss said coming over to us. Hayley and Caitlin was trying to pull us apart and it wasn't working as our half vampire strength. We was sent to the schools main office where they called our parents. Great this should be good.

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