Chapter 37

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(Naomi's P.O.V)

Arriving at the mall I decided that while I was here I will be getting a birthday present for Max. I think that on this trip I will be spending more time with mum and Auntie Alice then dad and Auntie Rose.

"So what are we going to do?" Renesmee asked curiously. I was thinking about what I wanted/needed.

"We can split up and buy whatever we want until 6PM then get some food at McDonald's on the way home!" Dad explained I was okay with that.

"Okay me and Alice will go with Naomi and Renesmee can go with you two!" mum said, that was even better then all going together. I.really wanted some new art supplies, and I had brought money with me from my birthday, there was a $200 voucher for toxic beauty art and crafts store. By far it was the best in Alaska.

"So Naomi honey what shall we do first?" mum asked Mr.

"Can we please go to Toxic Beauty?" Was my response knowing it would be a yes. Mum nodded her head and off we walked, I was out of the habit of calling my parents mummy and daddy and only use it when I really want something.

Entering the shop I became overwhelmed with happiness! There was so much in here, what I needed was Acrylic paints, brushes, canvases and there artist kit as it contains everything you.could need. It was like 500 pieces.

"You done Naomi?" Alice asked, me I told her yes and we.all headed over to the.counter, mum was.buying Renesmee a paint set with stain resistant canvases.

Our next stop was at the jewellery store, I wasn't a big fan of jewellery but it was okay. There was nothing in there that I really wanted, I mean there was a few things I liked but I didn't buy anything. We went in so many more shops, I ended up buying a whole new wardrobe thanks to Auntie Alice being with us.

We entered a toy shop so I could buy something for Max when I saw a skateboard and I was defiantly going to get him that. I also got him some skate protection set. That was all I wanted I think.

"Can we just stop by the book store on the way to meet the others?" Mum asked, why would she have to asked.

"Of course, I don't mind looking around all the books!" I stated, that would be fun as I love to read when I am not painting or drawing. She smiled at me and I grabbed her and Auntie Alice's hand walking in between the both of them!

Together we walked to the bookstore, it was a big shop there must be over 20,000,000 books in there. As we entered I walked over to where the horror type book was and saw a huge selection of books called point horrors.  They seemed really good as from what I read on the blurbs there all about a mystery horror type thing. I ended up buying a lot of them maybe.... 10 or so.

(Renesmee's P.O.V)

We have just left Naomi mum and Auntie Alice and we was heading over to a random clothes shop as Auntie Rose is demanding to buy me a whole new wardrobe, which isn't necessary as I have loads of cash from my birthday.

"Do you really need to buy me a whole new wardrobe I have money!" I stated trying to get her to change her mind. It's like I can't buy anything with this family!

"yes I do my little Niece!" Replied Auntie Rose. I just sighed but decided not to argue as it will only result in me losing. I had a lot of winter clothes now, but some of the worlds best jeans.

We went to so many shops, I lost count after 25, but what I do know is that I have quite a few new stuff... or maybe about 20 bags full. I got Max this drum set as he has wanted one, it was either that or a skateboard but who would ever want a skateboard.

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