Chapter 22

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(Naomi's P.O.V)

Waking up to the sound of the wildlife in the forest, I sat up in my bed. I turned my head and saw Renesmee, she was still fast asleep facing the wall. Looking at my treble clef clock and it was 8:30AM and surprisingly I wasn't tired at all.

"Renesmee wake up!" I whispered, as I got out of my bed and went over to her. She moaned and stirred in her bed. In the morning she was so nice.


""8:20!" She groaned and rolled over so she was facing me.

"Oh my gosh Naomi have you ever heard of a lie in!" She complained slapping me. My cheek was now stinging, I left Renesmee's bed as she was being grumpy and walked over to my closet which had a mirror. My face was bright red, and then I noticed there was a gash and there was blood coming out. Curse her for having really long painted nails!

I was still wearing my pajamas that were a me to you vest top that was a dark purple with a few red hearts around the bear, it had matching trousers and they were really comfortable. I grabbed my black ankle boot slippers and walked down the stairs. I was greeted by Dad and Carlisle.

"Naomi, what happened to your face?" Daddy asked me with concern in his voice.

"I woke Renesmee up and she slapped me with her nails going into my face!" I explained, as I said that Grandpas face got closer to mine. I stepped back a little bit as he was freaking me out.

"Naomi I need to get a good look at your cheek to see how to heal it!" He explained to me, I really couldn't care about what he was doing he just needs to get out of my face!

"Okay!" Was my actual answer as I really didn't want to be mean, he took me up to his office and looked at me.

"Naomi, you will need 5 stitches!" He told me and I sighed I wasn't that fussed about it It's just I don't like the fact my face will be ruined and I don't look nice. Getting stitches would be a lot easier and Daddy had reassured me that the scar on my cheek will fade then vanish because I am part vampire.

"Yes I know about the family secret, Mummy told us when we looked around the age of 5. I know not to tell anyone about us.

"Daddy what about packing, we leave tomorrow?" I asked him as Grandpa had told me that I need to rest until the end of the day,

"Your mother and I will do that for you!" He told me then picks me up so he could take me upstairs to my bed.

Renesmee was now awake and changed into a black skirt and a tank top with kittens on, her hair was in a side plait and when she saw me enter a smirk came across her face which she had tried to hide.

"Renesmee why did you slap you sister earlier?" Daddy asked Renesmee gave me a short glare and then turned her attention back to Dad.

"She woke me up at 8:30!" She protested, dad had yelled at her a little bit then made her to start packing before she could she Jacob.

"Daddy where is Mummy?" I asked as I hadn't seen her all morning.

"She went hunting with Auntie Rosie but she has just arrived!" He told me, just st the moment as well Mummies head popped around the corner.

"Baby what happened?" She asked me worriedly. I pointed to Renesmee who was packing up her clothes, as Auntie Alice only did half of them. Dad explained to Mummy about what happened and then soon they where packing up my part of the room.

Around and hour my parents have done the whole of my things and was now helping Renesmee finish. I was getting really bored so I was thankful when Auntie Ali came to take me away into her room so we could shop online.

"What are we buying?" I wondered aloud.

"Anything you would like for your new room, like what you drew it will be 2 floors high but there will be a 3rd floor you will share with Renesmee, who only wants 1 floor plus your shared floor!" She has explained.

"So will Renesmee be on the next floor!" I asked but it was a pretty stupid question,

"Yes the house will be 5 stories high and a  basement!" After she told me that I stood up quickly then my face sided throbbing. I retrieved Renesmee from our room and we went to shop!

We started shopping looking for items we would like. All my items was colored black, red, purple, silver, gold and dark blue with a few pink, Renesmee on the other hand has yellows reds and pinks with purple and neon colors.

"Auntie Alice on one of the walls on my first floor can I have a big wall for my graffiti art?" I asked, wanting to add my own art.

"Yes of course is there anything you want Renesmee?" She asked her. Nessie pondered for a minute clearly thinking.

"I would like my painting of Jake to be enlarged and put on a big wall!" She bubbled bouncing up and down on her seat.  We spent most of the day shopping online buying for all the rooms in the house, looking at photo's of them.

Seth and Leah had rooms either side of me and Jacob was next to Renesmee. I can't wait to move now. By the time we had done all the shopping it was 5:45PM and I was hungry, so we went down and ate, me not eating that much though.


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