Chapter 17

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(Naomi's P.O.V)

So we're going to be moving.... I am happy I will get my own room and the fact that Seth and Leah will becoming with us. Today has been such a wonderful birthday spending it with all the people I love was great. I thought about how I would want my dream bedroom, I mean I have all the money from today so I might as well use it on my new room. I already had a picture to go in there and that was the one I made of Leah and Seth.

I did a drawing of what I would like it, this would be my dream room. There was a double bed, it had black and pink sheets, with skulls and bones on same for the pillow cases. There was a wooden stand by the side of my bed which I would keep my books and nightly water on. The carpet was black and really fluffy. And much much more, including a flat screen TV, a few plants a set of stairs to the second floor. (Photo of the first floor on the side, just change the pinks to Reds Black and Purples). I will draw the second floor much later on like tomorrow or something.

"Naomi, what are you doing?" Mummy asked me walking into the room. I looked up at her and she was looking at all the colors and my drawing.

"This is my dream bedroom. I am drawing part 2 tomorrow!" I told her handing her the peice of paper.

"WOW, this is amazing honey, we are trying to get you room like you want it!" She told me and I smiled and hugged her. She left my room and I followed her as it was 8:20 and I wanted some cookies and milk before I went to bed.

"Grandma please may I have some milk and cookies?" I asked her, she was standing in the kitchen washing up.

"Of course Naomi!" She responded, Renesmee came into the room and her phone was playing music.

Jump up, fall down, gotta play it loud now

Don't care, my head's spinning all around now

I swear I'll do, anything that I have to...

'Til I forget about you!

It was quite a good tune, it sounded very pretty but in a rockish way.

"Quite like this, it's like rock!" I said and Renesmee and Grandma burst out laughing at my stupidity, I giggled and ate my cookies and milk.

"It's Big Time Rush. Til I Forget About You!" (Song on the side) I nodded my head and went back to my cookie as I had drank my milk. Finishing  it swiftly I went to the Living room where my family was, and always seemed to be. Telling them night and kissing them I went up to bed with Renesmee a few minutes after me.

The Next Morning

I woke up happily and Seth was sat in the corner of my room, okay I must admit that is a bit weird.

"Seth why are you sat there?" I asked him, he sent me his famous sneaky smile and then opened his mouth showing his perfect white teeth.

"I wanted to be the first person you saw when you awakened!" He responded, I smiled then shoved him out the door so I could get changed ready for breakfast. I was changed really fast I ended up wearing black skinny jeans, a red tank top with a dark red jumper that had black cross bones on.

Leaving mine and Renesmee's room, which I often referred it as my room, I walked down to the kitchen which for a change there was someone in there other then Renesmee Grandma and Mummy, Daddy was in here to.

"Here you go girls!" Grandma told us both as we received our breakfast which was a lovely stack of maple syrup pancakes. I ate mine quite fast as I was hungry, normally I wasn't that hungry, but I think it was because I only had cookies for super.

"Girls remember how we told you yesterday we would be moving to the new house in a week?" Mummy asked us and re both nodded our head in unison as we did remember, it was pretty hard to forget.

"Well there is a change of plans, we will be moving in 2 days!" Daddy added on the end. I squealed in joy and got some orange juice from the fridge. After I had drank my juice I skipped up the stairs so I could begin to pack. I entered the room and I saw the most awful thing.

"DADDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDY!" I screamed out in horror. He and Mummy came rushing in and their eyes bulged out of there head.

Their on my wall was the words written in what looked like blood.


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