Chapter 3

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Chapter 3 is here

(Bella's P.O.V.)

At last I was vampire. It felt so cool, to feel so much more alive. The main memory I had of my human-life was holding Renesmee and marrying Edward. Across the room, I realized Edward was there. I stood up and walked across to where he was standing.

"Renesmee?" I asked, wanting to see my daughter. She had been so perfect 3 days ago.

"Later! We need to take you hunting." Edward said. Only at that moment did I realize the burn that was in my throat. We jumped out of the big window that was facing the forest. We jumped over the river, with me hesitating as I didn't know if I could do it. Which I could, as I could now jump far and high.

Hunting was going really well, but about mid-hunt I caught scent of a human who was rock climbing. He suddenly slipped and all I could smell was human blood. It smelt lovely. Following the scent, I came to the rocks and climbed up them. Realizing I was about to kill a human, I ran back to the part of the rock where Edward had just appeared.

"Bella, I am sorry. I should've checked for humans. Let me help you!" he apologized. However, I didn't need help.

"I. Need. To. Get. Out. Of. Here!" I growled and ran off back to the house. Not wanting to smell blood, I held my breath until I reached the house. Edward wasn't far behind me when I arrived. I was about to enter with Edward when Jacob came out.

"Bella. I didn't expect you to be so... you!" He said. I just ignored him and tried to walk by, wanting to see my daughter.

"Before you see Renemsee, I want to make sure you can handle being around her, by you not killing me!" He told me.

"Fine whatever, I know I can do it though!" I replied.

"Jacob, this isn't worth it. She can do it, she ran away from human blood mid-hunt!"

Edward spat then we pushed passed him and went into the house. The first thing I saw was Rosalie. She was holding a girl dressed in a little floral dress.

"Renesmee!" I gasped. She was beautiful. I was shocked on how big she was she looked; like she was 3 months old, not 3 days. I walked quickly over to Rosalie and reached for

Renemsee. Jacob stepped in front, not letting me see her.

"Jacob! Move!" I hissed. This scared him and he shifted out the way. Rose handed me Renesmee, who then put her hand on my cheek. I saw images of me holding her and what she first saw me like.

"W-w-what was that?" I stuttered.

"That's her gift. It's the opposite of what I do!" Edward explained. It was remarkable.

"Okay, that's enough experimenting for today!" Jacob said, interrupting once again.

"What's your problem, Jacob?" I growled.

"Oh, please do tell her Jacob!" Rose said with a smirk on her face. Edward took

Renesmee out of my arms and gave her back to Rosalie.

"It's a wolf thing!" Jacob began. This made me really angry.

"What's a wolf thing?" I hissed at him.

"We have no control over it. We don't choose who it happens to. It doesn't mean what

you think, I promise!" He stuttered.

"Take Renesmee out of the room!" I told everyone.

"Oh boy..." His whispered under his breath. Edward put his hand on my shoulder and I got annoyed.

"Don't touch me right now. I don't want to hurt you!" I told him as calmly as I could and he took his hand off of me. I grabbed Jacob by the neck and dragged him outside, then threw him to the ground.

"YOU IMPRINTED ON MY DAUGHTER?!" I screamed in frustration.

"It wasn't my choice!" Jacob defended himself.

"SHE'S A BABY!" I screamed once again.

"It's not like that! Do you think Edward would let me live if it was?" He gestured to Edward, standing up.

"I'm still debating that!" Edward interjected.

"I've held her once! ONE TIME JACOB! AND NOW YOU THINK YOU HAVE A MORONIC WOLFY CLAIM ON HER! SHE'S MINE!" I pushed him back down to the ground. Two wolves came out of the woods, Seth and Leah.

"It's fine, Leah!" Jacob reassured her.

"You're going to stay away from her!" I yelled.

"Come on Bells, you know I can't do that!" He begged. I threw down him again. That's when Seth and Leah started to growl.

"Edward, stop her!" Esme said. She was getting worried for the mutt.

"He said it was fine!" He replied, and then smirked.

"Amazing, isn't she?" Edward asked.

"Do you remember how you wanted me around 3 days ago? That's gone, isn't it?" Jacob asked. That was by far one of the most stupid questions I've heard.

"Long gone!" I hissed.

"Because it was her, Nessie! She wanted me here. It was her all along!" Jacob stated.

What had he called my daughter?

"Nessie? YOU NAMED MY DAUGHTER AFTER THE LOCH NESS MONSTER?!" I screamed. I went to attack Jacob, but Seth came in between, and I threw him into a tree.

Jacob ran over to Seth and asked him how he was.

"He will be fine!" Jacob confirmed.

"Sorry Seth!" I said and we all headed inside.

"Bella, we didn't have time to tell you earlier, but you have another daughter!" Edward said to me.

"What? I had twins?" I was shocked. How didn't I know about this? I turned around and there in Alice's arms was girl she looked exactly like Renesmee, but her hair was more red and she had green eyes, where as Renesmee had brown.

"Bella this is Naomi-Mae. Naomi-Mae Elizabeth Cullen!" Alice introduced me and handed her over.

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