Chapter 24

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(Naomi's P.O.V)

We pulled up at the house, it was huge, bigger then our old house. Renesmee was the first to get out, she was so shocked when she saw it. I was dying to decorate the house, painting rooms and attempting to carry in furniture. I ran to the front door and twisted the shiny silver handle, just as my family had said it was opened and there was boxes on the inside. From what I could see in the door way was a long corridor, a flight of curling stairs, metal doors and then 3 holes in the wall, which I assumed to lead to other rooms.

Uncle Emmett came out if his van then walked past us all. He started to move the boxes into what I assumed to be a living room. Daddy and uncle Jasper started to help him as well. It took a few minutes to clear all the parcels up, they must be what me auntie Ali and Nessie ordered!

I walked into the room where all the items where and stood in front of them all.

"Okay Renesmee as your own room is on the top floor, we will take your things up first and Rosalie will help you sort the main floor out!" Auntie Alice began. Alice and Rose then started opening some packages to find Renesmee's stuff.

After all the parcels was opened we all got set a room to work on. Auntie Alice was helping me and I had a lot of stuff, Renesmee on the other hand wanted to shop in Alaska for hers.

Our house contained of many rooms. On the ground floor was the living room, kitchen, dinning room, washing room.and two doors that led to the basement; the basements was separated though. The second floor was my room, Seth's room, Leah's room, a bathroom for guests two guest rooms and Auntie Alice's and Uncle Jasper's room.The third floor was my room part 2, The games room, a spa and  beauty rooms requested by Alice and Rose. The 4th floor was my parents room, Auntie Rose's and Uncle Emmett's room mine and Renesmee's joint room and a spare room. And finally the last floor was Renesmee's room, Jacob's room a gym and a storage room.

Basement one was a indoor swimming pool with a wave machine. Basement two was a anger room where the walls had venom in which made it indestructible. So what made me wonder when Auntie Alice told me my room was going to be three stories high was how would I reach it.

But from what I've learned is vampires can jump that high, but for humans and half vampires we have a slide to come down and to go up there's a climbing wall but if I don't want to climb a wall I could just use the ladder

Me and Auntie Alice started to arrange all the my room. Deciding what things I want in which room. The first thing we did was painting. Auntie Alice painted the two small walls a deep purple, both big walls was red, but the one further away from the door was gratified by me in black. Next was putting in my black fluffy rug, and the furniture.

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