Chapter 28

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(Renesmee's P.O.V)

It's now 3PM and it's home time, Grandma Esme was picking us up as mummy finishes school at 3:05PM. Today has been has been a great day I love all my friends they are so nice, the lessons we had today was the best.

"Girls how was it today?" Grandma asked us.

"It was great, we both have groups of friends and they are really nice!" I babbled while Naomi was nodding to random things I was saying.

"That's great sweetie!" Grandma responded the rest of the ride was spent with random conversations and listening to music. We pulled up in the drive way and the rest of the family excluding Grandpa who was working at his new job. He was so amazing at being a doctor her got a job straight away.

We entered the house and everyone was looking at us, but they were smiling as well.

"Hello girls, how was school?" Daddy asked us, of course that's the first thing we are asked when we see people.

"It was great we made lovely friends, separate friends though!" Naomi explained to the family who was now all beaming with happiness through the fact we have friends!

"Well that's great!" Auntie Rosie interjected. Ever since we moved to the house there is no obvious favorite. Yes mummy still love Naomi more but not by much! Just at that moment Seth Leah and Jake walked through the door, they had jobs as they didn't want to go again.

"How was working?" Uncle Emmett asked them with mock in his voice.

"Better then school!" Jake stated and that made Uncle Em shut up. I walked to the elevator while Naomi took the stairs.


Went the bell telling me I am on the top floor. I can't wait to get to high school as you don't have to where uniforms. I walked in my oversized closet and pulled out some converse, tank top and some pink jeans. (HER OUTFIT ON THE SIDE) I topped it off with some accessories.

I went down my slide and onto my second floor and down again to my other floor that I insisted Naomi had more of! She was just lacing up her boots and was smiling when she saw me. We got along much better know, but I know it's not.going to last!

"Hey nice shoes!" I commented they were pretty cool, it was part of her birthday clothes set from Auntie Alice.

"Thanks I like your bracelet!" Was her response and I just smiled I was glad we didn't fight 24/7. We walked down the stairs and was back in the living room.

"Seth!" Naomi laughed, what the.... I turned around and there was Naomi on the floor laughing as Seth tickled her to death.

"Mummy on Friday please can me and Naomi have all our new friends over for a sleepover?" I pleaded.

"Pweaty Pweaseeee!" Naomi added doing a funny baby voice! That would definitely be a yes from mummy.

"Okay then, how many of them is there?" Mummy asked sighing.

"Without us, there is 9 of them!" I said then smiled.

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