It's only just a dream?

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Ok, so, let us all just take a moment of silence........ I can't stay quiet so, let's get to the story!!!

 I can't stay quiet so, let's get to the story!!!_____________________________

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Tyler's POV:

I just want to come out of it. This is real. It's not, happening. There's no one to blame, not even my dad this time! Wow, still being an ass hole after hearing the news. " hey, the doctor told me... How're you feeling "? He asks, setting his hand on top of mine. " I'm fine ". I say, not looking him in the eyes. " tell me the truth ". He says, turning my face to look at him. " it's all my fault, I've become the most horrible human being, and there's no one else to blame, but me. Not even my dad "! I say as he lightly smiles and says " you're not a horrible person, you're amazing, just because this happened doesn't mean you're horrible. It was due to stress, it was a lot for you to hold in, especially with a family that tells each other everything. All that matters is that you're fine and-" he was cut off my my mom, Christian, and Emma walking in. " Ty! Oh thank god you're ok, what was wrong, everything IS ok right"? Emma says, as Christian and my mom state on, waiting for me to answer." Yeah everything's fine, but I have to stay for a couple of days ". I say as they sigh in relief and Emma says " so what was wrong "? She asks. " well, I-" David stopped me and whispered something in my ear. I look at him if he was sure, and he nods as I turn to them and wait for him to tell them. " Tyler is pregnant, and I'm happy, and Christian if you want to punch me, or kill me, I'll suggest you punch me, cause I don't want to leave our child fatherless so go for it ". He says, closing his eyes and waiting for Christians to punch him. I couldn't tell what was going through Christians mind, my mom was crying, don't know if in happiness or in disappointment. Emma just looked furious and looked as if she'd punch him instead of Christian. Yup spoke to soon. Emma walked up to him and punched him square in the face as I cover my mouth in shock " EMMA STOP "!! I shout as nurses come in and see David in a bloody mess. Emma tried to go at him again but Christian grabbed her by her waist and security came in. I was shocked by Emma's sudden violence. Once they took her out in the hall David was scared by the face Christian was making. Christian walked up to him, and hugged him. I was surprised....and confused. Was t this suppose to be the other way around? Nah! Emma is probably 2x more protective then him. David was surprised himself, but hugged him back. " you'll make a great father, congratulations on being a parent before me ". He says smiling as, I relaxed and smiled. As Christian Left to go calm Emma down, my mom also hugged David and was happy about being a grandma. My mom had to go back to work, and left. Just one question remains in me. I just don't know if this baby is going to survive. It's already bad enough I almost lost it earlier. If Emma doesn't calm down, I can lose it by the stress. I'm not blaming her, if I do lose it, I'm blaming myself, because I'm the one letting everything bother me.

Emma's POV:
Was I pissed, no, no I was beyond pissed. How could she not tell me! When did this happen? How far along is she? I don't know! Why? Oh yeah that's right, she never told me!! Not am I only mad at her, I'm fucking mad at David!! Just couldn't wait till they were married!! Or at least engaged!!! Now my best friend has to go through this shit, and she's only 19!!! " babe, just calm down. She's an adult, she can handle herself". Christian says " really an adult! She can't even tie her own shoe laces yesterday! I can barely even get her to eat HER vegetables!! How is she gonna do it? She takes long as showers when she's sad... She literally takes a chair in there!! I just don't think she can do this". I say, putting my hands on my face in stress. " look, I know Tyler is a child at heart, but I believe she can do it, she knows when to be serious, and I have true faith in her, the question is, where did yours go, shouldn't best friends believe in each other "? He asks as I think about it." You have a point but like I said, I can barely even keep track of her without her walking off and getting lost, and that was in a small store, how do you get lost in a small store that is literally the size of a bus"? I says as Christian says " how do you get lost in a store like that "? Suddenly thinking about. " don't get side tracked Christian! That's not even the point"! I say getting frustrated. " look, just believe in her on this, I think she'd make a great mom, she might be childish, but if a parent has that, they actually turn out to be the best parents out there. She can do it, I know she can ". He say as I shakes her head. " no, that's it this is done and over with". I say as I get up and walk to her room as Christian looks at me and trying to stop me. " you're getting an abortion and that's just it "! I say as Tyler and David look at me in shock.

Tyler's POV:
I look in shock at Emma as she looks at me seriously. " how can you say such a horrible thing "! I say, defending myself and unborn child. " Tyler you can barely take care of yourself, how are you going to raise a child, if you don't get this abortion..... Then I'm never talking to you again"! She says , but she looks shocked no looks as if she regrets what she said, as my eyes go wide. " what the hell is wrong with you!? Why are you soo eager to get rid of MY child?! I thought we were suppose to be best friends! Always there for each other"!! I say as Emma says " I'm sorry, I take it back, I just-" Emma says but I cut her off " just go! I don't need this! This is what's killing this baby and I'm not going to let that happen "!! I say as Emma says " but Tyler I didn't-" " JUST GO "!! I yell, as Emma looks taken aback, as she nods her head, and leaves. Christian looks at is in apology and follows Emma. I was breathing hard. Woah! Where did that come from? I've never spoken to anyone like that, except for my dad, but never my best friend, we'll sort of but I've never just told her to go away. David rubs my back as he reassured me everything is going to be ok.

As we fall asleep, I keep think about what Emma said. I'm not doing it, she can stop talking to me, but I'm not killing something that didn't do anything to me, especially something I love.
Well, what do you think? It was pretty bad, but I tried. I was going to do cancer but people said pregnancy and I was like, that could be better than cancer 😬
What do you think will happen with the baby? What do you think is going to happen between Emma and Tyler? Let me know in the comments!! Until next chapter!!! BYE LOVIES!!❤️

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