Begging and i get a what?!

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Yes I had to put pictures cause I'm that weird.😅 anyways , hopefully you guys love my books, and let's get to it!! Happy reading!!!
" hi mom... W-what are y-you doing home so early" I say hesitantly. " well i wanted to surprise my ' innocent ' children but Just to find out , there not so innocent". She said, arms crossed over her chest , staring intently. I got on my knees and said " please! Oh please!! Can we keep them!!! " I say. " hmmm... Let me think , NO " !! She said looking at me disappointed. " why would you steal animals in the first place"? I started to laugh but my mom got even more angry " Tyler Juliana Delgado "! She said making everybody in the room gasp dramatically. I heard a little faint whisper from one of Christians friends say " bruh she went for the full name".. I rolled my eyes and said " well... I didn't actually steal them, see, the reason why I laughed was because I put Emma through a hard time when they knew I was going to pick them ", I say as Emma slapped me upside the head making me look at her  dumbfounded. " BRUH"!! I say looking at Emma and massaging the back of my head." Well if you payed for them, then you can keep them" my mom said " YAS"!! , " but, on one condition ". She said " awe rats butts ". I say unpleasantly as every body looked at me weirdly and giving me the ' what the fudge ' looks. " if you do the cleaning up and feeding them and getting their food , then you can keep them, got it"! She said sternly . I squealed " YES! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU"!!! I say hugging my mom while jumping up and down.

After a few hours my brother and his friends went to his room and Emma and I stayed down stairs in the living room. " so if they knew , why would you hire a hacker"? Emma asked curiously. " well he's a real hacker but I didn't pay him for hacking, I paid him for going along with the plan ". I say, smiling evilly . She giggled while shaking her head. " I swear, I have the most crazy, unbelievable, weird ass best friend in the entire world". She said , cooing at her baby piglet. " but that's why you love me". I say , wiping away a fake tear.

When we got back to school everybody got the word about our new pets. But , that was the unusual part. I was just sitting there being an innocent person ( I'm lying , I'm never innocent ) for once when the microphone thing ( idk what it is) came on .
" Tyler Delgado , please. Report to the principles office immediately, thank you "!
Every body turned to me , as I looked completely confused. Emma looked at me with a ' what the hell did you do' face. As I gave a shrug and slowly slipped out of my chair and walked out the class. I walked awkwardly down the hall to the principles and stopped hesitantly at the principles door. I opened it with great confidants but was shortly destroyed when I came in to strong . " whatever I did I didn't do it I swear"! I say fast and sitting down on the chair in front of the principle. " um.. You didn't but whatever you did , we'll talk about that afterwards". She said looking at me curiously . I laughed awkwardly while looking at the door and turning back . ' I never was the best liar' . " so , we were looking over your files to see if you'd graduate this year and when we were looking over, we saw that you are highly athletic , so we were wondering if you'd sign up to be an assistant coach every Friday after school for the cheerleading team and be an assistant coach every Wednesday also after school for the football team and help out with tutoring every Monday after school as well"? She asked . " um.. Me"? I say , unbelievably looking at the principle. " yes, were you even -" " yes i was , I just thought I wouldn't be qualified , since , well.. You know the write ups and detentions . " I say , rubbing the back of my neck . " well, we talked it through and your grades are much higher than others, even more so college students. If you do decide to agree with this, we will give you a scholarship and take off the detentions and referrals off your record". She said looking at me . My jaw dropped , making me almost scream out in complete utter triumph . " a-a. Sch-scholarship, I -". " you do not have to miss Delgado but-" " I'll do it "! I say excitingly. " you will" ?! She said, in utter shock. " oh , you didn't think I was actually lazy now did you" I say getting up as well as the principle did . " no , not at all. I'll give you the schedule tomorrow and you'll start next week, after a month I'll give you the scholarship and at the end of the year I'll be taking the detentions and referrals off your record. That is all miss Delgado , congratulations "! She said excitedly as I was. " no thank you principle Bailey , you won't regret this " I say shaking her hand and walking out . I made sure I was half down the hall to jump in excitement and yell " WHOHOO!!, BEST DAY EVER"!!! The bell rang and people came flooding out to see what the commotion was about , but they saw me and could care less. Emma looked at me and said " why did you scream and what happened "? " oh, you won't believe this " I say grinning big.
'Maybe everything is finally falling into place'

Hi guys , I'm so sorry I haven't updated in a while , I've been really busy trying to keep up with school work and stuff , but hopefully you guys liked it and sorry that it was short , I got writers block at the end and decided to end it there. Until next time!! BYE LOVIES!!!❤️

Being the bad boys sister ( IN THE PROCESS OF EDITING!!!! )Where stories live. Discover now