The first date

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Alright so I'm gonna be honest I had fun looking for the guys if you know what I mean👍😉 anyways, this is basically the first date ! Anyways the guy on the left is Tyler's brother while on the right top corner is the guy that asked Tyler out and of course what Tyler is wearing on the bottom right corner.

" ok, how do I look "? I ask Emma . She looked up from her phone and gasp in amazement. " you look beautiful Tyler ! " she says looking at all the detailing of what I'm wearing. " so he said to wear something like this "? Emma asked. " no not exactly but he said to wear something casual but nice , so I got this ". I say looking in the mirror . " so , any idea of where he's taking you "? Emma asks. " no , he said it was a surprise ". I say calmly. " I don't know about that Ty , I mean you just met him , for all we know he's planning a murder ". Emma says " oh please now you sound like me when I'm suspicious "! I say laughing at how dumb it sounds out loud. As I put on my shoes we hear a knock at the hotel door. " I'll get it , cause you're not ready ". She says as I smile and start to put some not a lot of makeup.

Emma's POV:
" hi " David says shyly. I open the door  wider so he can come in " come in she's just doing some last minute stuff". I say sweetly as he walks in nervously . ' hmm I was wrong about him , he seems nice ' I say in my head. " so , you know where you're taking her "? I ask making conversation " I'm taking her to an amusement park, with probably the best rides ". He says , getting a bit more comfortable . " really , she'll love it , so how old are you anyways "? I ask , just making sure " 18 , about to be 19 ". He says sweetly. I nod and ask " so , have you lived here all you're life or .."? I say as he says " yeah , born and raised but I have been to other places ". He says getting more comfortable. " well just one more question , what time are you planning to bring her back here "? I ask " 10:30 ". He says . I nod my head impressed " I just want to apologize ". I say sweetly " why "? He say with a cute chuckle " cause I judged you to quick , you just seemed -" he cut me off " like a player ". He says looking down . " yeah , I get it all the time , parents always do when I asks there daughters out , they tell me I'm not good enough when they never gave me a chance to prove myself ". He says . " but it's fine , you're not the first ". He says . " well I'm not her mom but I am her best friend and I Can tell you now , I have a good feeling about you ". I say as I hear Tyler coming.

Tyler's POV:
I walk out as David and Emma stand up and David stares " you look , beautiful , I mean not that you weren't you always hav-". " I get it , thank you , you don't look to bad yourself ". I say sweetly. " we'll be back at 10:30 " Emma says as David and I walk out and David says " will do ". And we leave. I get in his car and I started saying a few jokes " so you stole a pig and a penguin from sea world "! He says turning into a parking lot. " yup ! Best part is , it was my grandpa's idea ". I say as he laughs . We get down the car and he says " you're something else , a girl never made me laugh that hard , except for my mom when she forgets about my sister at the store ". He says as I laugh.

We rode rides for about 3 hours and we decided to eat. We get our food and sit at the tables they had.

Emma's POV:
I decided to spy on Tyler. yes, I know I shouldn't but I just want to see how it's going and this is her first date. I brought Christian along to make it not too noticeable . Yeah , it makes it worse cause her own brother is there and he never met David so right , Christian isn't in the most happiest mood. We see them laughing and I try to get closer. They stare at each other for awhile and Tyler starts to blush as David started to get closer , Christian was about to go and do something but I stop him and we keep watching. Right when they're about to meet each others lips a fat guy blocks the view . My blood started to boil . " OH COME ON "!! I yell as the fat guy as people started to look. " why did you get in my way old man!! I'm trying to watch something here "!!! I say as the guy starts arguing with us.

Tyler's POV:

I hear an all to familiar voice. " hey , hey, what the hell is going on here "!! I say seeing my brother and Emma . My eyes widen and fury got the best of me. " Emma ? What the fuck !! Can't you just act normal for one freaking day! You knew how important this was to me ! And you! ". I say but I had no more to say. " David I think we should go ". I say lowly as he got my purse and sweater for me and we walked off.
We decided to go out to the park. " I can't believe they would do that "! I say " I mean , Emma knew this was important , and they do this but noooo pikachu knows everything "!! I say as David tried not to laugh but he said " look it was not cool to do that but , you should appreciate it, they just wanted you to know that they care , I mean , for all they know they think I'm a killer , but my parents , they don't care , they knew I was going out with a girl I didn't know and you could've been some phsyco that would drug me and kidnap me ! But you're not , thankfully , you're sweet, adorable , cheeky , funny , beautiful , and unique ! And that's hard to find and I'm glad I got this chance to find someone like you". He says . I smile. " thanks, your right , I never thought of it like that, and by the way, you're not the only one that's lucky to get this chance" I say.

After a few minutes he takes me home cause it's about the time. " well I had fun tonight ". He says , looking down at his feet. " I did too " I say " thanks for it ". I was about to go inside when David says " wait! I know this seems a bit too fast and forward but , I-I really like you and I was wondering if... You'd be my girlfriend "? He says rubbing the back of his neck. I smile and say " well why did the chicken cross the road "? I say . He looked confused but played along " umm why "? He says. " to get to the guy on the other side ". I say and kiss his cheek . I walk into the hotel and close it. " soo was that a yes "? I hear . And I answer " yes "! And after that we texted for a long time.
Emma and Christian came in and saw me home. They both looked with guilty eyes and before Emma and Christian had the chance to say anything I ran to them and hugged them both tightly. " I love you crazy assholes soo much "! I say as they hugged me. I told them everything especially that I am now not a single Pringle and Christian looked as though he could kill the guy but he knew that I was happy and that meant he would have to get use to him or if he spent time with him he might actually like him. I asked David if he'd like to meet Christian and he was all for it even though he was scared but he'll do anything for him to have a chance he never got in the past. Christian was excited , cause he knew he'd probably and most likely scare the shit out of him. Well let's just see how that goes.

Alright I know it wasn't as funny but you gotta know you're limits . What do you think will happen while Christian and David have a guys day out? Would it turn out well or will it be a disaster? Comment and tell me what you think!! I also want to say thank you to my best friend isabella122112 for helping me out a bit!! Hopefully you liked it and yeah until next chapter!! BYE LOVIES!!!❤️

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