I smell something fishy and just when everything was good...

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Alright you guys, I've been writing my other books trying to figure stuff , but no fear , Doctor ..... Idk, lets just get to the story before I humiliate my self more than I usually do.  Don't forget to listen to the song ^^^^^

Just a week till my birthday and I'll be 18 years old! I've dreamed of having a perfect birthday this year without anything going wrong.

" so what are you going to do for your birthday "? Emma asks , as she stuffed some bread in her mouth.  " I don't know really , I'm stuck between bouncy houses and slides, or a Harry Potter birthday at Universal Studios". I say , looking up while putting a grape in my mouth but started choking when I threw it in. " well , better pick. , you only got a week ". She says , examining her pasta and putting it in her mouth. I shrugged , eating my food and stealing Emma's as she tries to slap my hand away but fails.

That day, my mom asked what I wanted to do and just told her I didn't have a clue. Which was partly true but you know. I layed down on my bed and took a nap. It felt like I closed my eyes for a few seconds until I woke back up hearing whispering from multiple people . I heard my mom, Christian , his friends and Emma . ' what are they talking about '?

I started to panicking . ' omg , they're planning my death'!! I started to talk to my self on how I was going to get out of it. I got up opened my door with out a sound and crept down stairs slowly, trying to watch the creaks in the stairs. I listened in.

" we can't hide this from her , she's going to know what we're up to ". Emma says " that's if we do it correctly ". Christian says  " we can just kidnap her and then tie her to a chair and then BAM! She won't see it coming " one of Christians friends say. " ok , that's what'll do ". I heard the front door open and several ' goodbyes ' . I went back up stairs and I flipped out in there as quietly as I could .  ' holy penguins , I'm not gonna' live to see my 18th birthday, I gotta' start doing my bucket list and fast '!!

~ time skip ~
Today was Monday , my birthday!! Throughout the last week Emma was avoiding me , tried to not talk to me. It was pretty heart breaking but , then realized she's part of my murder .

~ after school ~
" hey , wanna go to the mall or something ". " why? Is that were the febreeze  commercial is". I say quickly. Emma raised her eyebrows and said a bit awkwardly " uhhh no ..." . " well ok then I'll go.

After 2 hours at the mall we headed to my house. I got down as did Emma . ' this is it, when I walk through that door , it won't be a febreeze commercial , it's gonna be my murder Scene... This is where it ends, and I never got to live to be 102 years old "!!!
I walked in letting the door fly open before I walked in . As I made sure it was safe I walked in. The lights went on and before I knew it BAM! Right in my face . " SURPRISE "!!!!! People yelled , Laughing as I did an really awkward karate chop and fell back. Everybody laughed as I yelled " FRIENDS !!! I knew you wouldn't murder me"!! Shocked faces were seen as a usion of "what "? Filled the air. " you thought we were going to kill you "!? Emma said looking at me disbelieving . I nodded embarrassed . " yup! That's my girl "! Emma says as everybody cheers . Everybody was having a good time when Emma stood up to make an announcement . " Attention please"?! She said very nervous . " I have a very important announcement to make. Recently I was in a meeting with the principle at my school and well I'll just say it, I will be graduating early , I got the highest grade on my test and I'm going to college"! I stood there shocked, unable to speak nor move as everybody congratulated her and hugged her.

'What is this feeling I'm feeling, we promised we'd graduate together and go to the same college '

I looked up to meet Emma's eyes , she had a smile on her face as everyone else did but me. I put on a fake smile and walked over to hug her. " congrats "! I say fakely . " so when will you get out of school "? I question , as my voice cracked a bit and knowing that I'll be hurt more than I already am. " in 3 weeks "! She said excitedly. " great "! I say " excitedly ". Note the sarcasm .
Just when I thought everything was already fine , it turns upside down .

It's been a week, knowing my best friend was leaving made me feel like I had nobody. I didn't talk or have a sassy attitude like I normally am at school. People found out about her leaving and they congratulated her. No matter how much I want her to stay , I can't keep her here, I mean that big smile on her face makes me happy to know she's happy, even if I'm not fully but I'll never bring her down just when she just got to the top, she has stuff going for her and i won't get in the way of that , no matter how much it hurts. Emma has been in the principles office doing important stuff to get her set. She has to do it everyday which means I don't get to see her. The only time I do is in the halls. All i wanted was to have some good moments with my best friend at school, show her me more than ever . " Hey ! Delgado!! " I heard a familiar voice say. I rolled my eyes and turned . " what do you want Alison "?! I say turning. " I heard your ' best friend ' was graduating early and leaving , what a Shame of something happened to you while she's away. ". " shut up Alison , you don't know anything about me"! I say defendingly . " oh but sweetheart I do, see your just the down side of your hot brother , unlike him your just a nobody who thinks she is a somebody , the reason why she's so excited to leave is because she doesn't have to be seen with you anymore ". " that's not true "! I yell . " oh really than tell me why I don't see her with you, tell me why she's so excited when she clearly sees your torn apart face, if she really cared , don't you think she would've noticed"? She said, making me drop my head, knowing it's true . " that's what I thought " she says walking passed me , making sure to bump into me , making me drop my books. I bent down , grabbing my books as Natalie came up. " you alright "? She says helping me. " I'm fine ". I say a bit irritated . " it doesn't seem -" " I SAID I WAS FINE "! I say , making people stare. Natalie looked taken a back . " I said I was fine ". I say calmer. I got back up and walked out the school doors with tears in my eyes . I don't really care if they call my mom and tell her I skipped school , call her see if I care, nobody seems to, especially my own best friend friend.

I got home and went up stairs to my room. I put my head phones on and put on all the songs I use to listen to when I was being bullied. I started crying , Alison is right, she really is excited to get away from me.

' I was wrong, my birthday was a complete disaster , I just tried to forget the fact that it was , but all the lies I've put in my head to make me feel better is getting clearer'.

alright , I'm gonna be totally honest with you. I didn't mean to put more drama, I swear it , I literally for got what the whole plot to this chapter was going to be about so I just got agitated and POOF ! Abracadabra , here it is! Yeah , this is why I shouldn't save work and put it off for a few days cause I will forget. Well hoped you enjoyed until next time. BYE LOVIES!!❤️

Being the bad boys sister ( IN THE PROCESS OF EDITING!!!! )Where stories live. Discover now