Get to know me better!

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Ok, so I know this isn't what you guys were expecting but, I feel like you guys should at least get to know me a little bit better and for those who already know me in real life to get to know even more about me that I never showed. Ok, so let's start off with the basics; personality.

My personality changed a lot. That's because I was scared to show who I really was, out of fear that people wouldn't except me and that people would found me weird. Well, now , I just don't care. That's as plain as it's going to get. My personality is shining brought and people seem to love it. I'm bubbly, I'm perky , I'm weird, random and I'm unique. I know when to have fun , but know when to take things serious. I love to make people laugh, even if they're already happy. If I could make only one person smile or laugh it makes my day and I feel accomplished. I'm talkative , and I know what those people who know me are going to say! But I'll stop you right there. I am, I talk a lot . Sometimes I talk too much to where I annoy the hell out of my self. I love to tell funny events that happen to me because it makes people laugh at my stupidity. I'm creative , I love to think about different things and love to create things, even if they don't work or they look stupid or just a stupid idea in general. I'm straight forward. I tell it how it is sometimes and sometimes it's a good thing and a bad thing , depending the situation or topic. I don't take time to try and sugar coat things because it's just giving false information and that's just well, sad. I'm loud! I don't know why , I just am. Nothing really to say about that cause it just happens XD . I'm not shy at all. It may seem like I am but really , I'm not. I was stuck in a different person for so long, that it is kind of hard to talk to people sometimes and that isn't good. But , it's different now, and I'm glad I'm back to being little ole me 🤗.

That is a little bit of my personality. Now , moving on to the next thing you should know about me. Let's see , my interests ;
I have a lot of things I'm interested in. But these are the main things I'm always doing that kind of reflects back to my personality a little bit. I love music. Music gives me a way to escape from the world for awhile. It makes me feel safe and makes me feel not so alone. I listen to many genres of music and some of them are pretty surprising.. Well only one of them, but that's not the point! 😅. I listen to , rock, alternative , country , RnB , rap, classical, jazz , you name it I probably listen to it. Right now I have a few of my favorites that I listen to and that's Demi Lovato and Melanie Martinez and myself. Like I said I'm creative XD . Demi gives me a sign of hope, a sign of confidence. She makes me feel like I can do anything. Melanie, she gives me the sign of comfort. She makes me feel like I can speak my mind and be who I am no matter how crazy I am. She makes me feel like I'm not alone. Now , to another topic of interests , I love penguins and Mickey Mouse XD obviously , that shows through no matter what. Yeah, people say cool but they never ask why I do. So , I'm asking my self and answering XD , lol , that sounded so depressing but anyways XD . Why do I love penguins? I love penguins because they're freaking adorable and they're unique in so many ways. Penguins are birds that can't fly , which makes them different from the other species of birds. I feel like I said that wrong but anyways , they have better qualities that a flying bird has. I love them because they're unique and they make me feel like I can be unique myself and it shows me that all people are different . Like animals are different in there own way. They might come from the same line species but you don't always have to be the same. I love Mickey Mouse because one: this mouse is freaking smart he freaking taught me my shapes XD . ( lol this is getting weird now XD ) and 2: I free up with him. Pretty much why XD . Next interests ! I love rings , it makes me feel strong in a physical way and I just love them. I love to sing. People say I'm a good singer but... I always say I'm not but I'm excepting who I am and I'm realizing that hey, maybe I am. My best friend wouldn't lie to me about this stuff but still, who knows. I love to run. I love track , running is my way of signifying freedom. Signifying running away from the bad things and reaching your destination to the good things. Going higher into your dreams. I love clothes, I might not like looking for them because I hate shopping but I love clothes. Clothes is a way for me to show off my personality in an easier way of just saying it. People can tell a lot by a persons style. It's easy to break down who they are as a person but it's also good to get to know them before you get all judgy. I love watching scary movies . Something about them are just exciting to me. Now if a clown is involved , ha! Yolo I'm out, not wasting my life on getting killed by my worst fear. Now this is something I never told anyone but I am now to everyone. This interest as been going on for so many years and I'm actually excited to say it. I love cheerleading 😱😱😱😱 . Awhile back I was in cheerleading for 3 years but I got kicked off for something and I'm not saying for what because it was a stupid mistake and decision I made but I always told people I hated it to cover up why I wasn't in cheerleading anymore. I honestly still love it. Now, I don't want to become a professional cheerleader or anything , no, no but I just love being in it for the excitement.

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