Scary faces and tattoos

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WARNING : in the picture ,as you can tell , you can clearly see Demi's self harm scars and I don't want to trigger anything. Back to the story.

Skip morning~

" Alright , ready to see some walkers "!? Emma says excitedly. We walk into the haunted house , walkers come at us as we hold each other . . A walker came out as Emma squeezed my arm as I say " nigga! Calm down , you hurting my smooth arms "! I say laughing. " sorry " she says. We finally make it to the end and we laugh hysterically. " dude , that was amazing "! I say. " yeah especially when you the guy that came out and tried to scare you and all you did was offered him popcorn saying he was a little thin that he needs it more than we do ". We laugh and we finally stop. Again we go on rides. We get one of them and we start taking off . We're screaming with joy as the guy in front of us screams like a girl making me and Emma laugh really hard to where we started choking and we didn't find it funny cause we couldn't stop. We waited for my mom but couldn't see her . " where is she , I want to go to the tattoo parlor already ". I say. " we start laughing on how she's so old she for got us and probably won't come back till like the 4th night , but then it got darker out and it got less funny... 😅. Finally we see her and we go asking where she was.

Skip to the tattoo parlor ~

" see anything you like "? Emma asks. " I already know what I want , I'm just waiting for this guy to get done. After about 30 minutes later it was my turn . I showed the guy what I want and he get to it. I wince every once in awhile , holding all the curse words . After 30 minutes the guy left to give me a break from all the pain and stuff. " so how's it going " Emma asks , her backed turn " good , probably another four million minutes of pain " I say sarcastically. " when can I turn around " Emma whines . " yeah when "? Christian and my mom asks at the same time " until it's finished " . I say . " just a little peek "! Emma says " nooo , stay put! " I say sternly. She pouts . I smirk , " good doggy "! I pat her on the head as I laugh and she throws me a bad hand gesture . The guy comes back and finishes were he left off. After about 20 minutes later , he was finished I gasp in amazement " I love it , it's so beautiful , thank you "!! I say as I pay him . " can we turn now"! Emma said doing this weird jumping up in down anxious dance but her feet weren't leaving the ground. " Yes you can , TURN "! " they all looked in ' awe ' as they were admiring it. " this is beautiful Tyler "! " thanks I said . " ok let's go back to the hotel now". I say .

I put the ointment the guy told me to use for the redness and soreness and got into bed. " does your mom know, she seemed to be quiet the whole time she didn't say anything when she looked at your wrists , she look as if she could cry ". Emma said , " I nodded my head but then remembered that she couldn't see me in the dark so I said a small yes . " oh so she was jus-" I cut her off saying " trying to forget , she knew why I got these tattoos in particular , I told her and Christian why , and they were all for it , my mom was quiet cause she was praying in her mind that it works ". I say , punching my pillow so I can get comfortable . " why did you get those tattoos "? Emma asks, " so when I feel the need to do it again , I can just look at my wrists and read stay strong and it'll remind myself that.... I'm better than that, it would also kinda help with the scars, cause it'll give me more determination to not do it ". I say .

After awhile of talking we fell asleep once more. In 4 more day we'll go home and I'll see if I got in to the school I want to go!

It was morning we were all going to go to the beach today and everyone seemed to be in a rush. " DUDE YOU'RE IN MY BUBBLE "!! I say to Christian . " yeah well I just popped the bubble so scoot your big butt"! He says. " oh well since you popped my bubble and put it that way "! I say " I can do this " I say as I put a big glob of gel in his hair. He made a face that was so girly as Emma was trying so hard not to laugh , given the fact that that is her boyfriend . " BRUH! THIS TOOK ME AN HOUR TO DO MY HAIR " !! He says throwing the glob of gel away. " yeah well now it can be 2 hours , that's what happens when you step in my bubble "!! I say as I put in the last Bobby pin and walk out to put the stuff I'm bringing to the beach in a beach bag. After what seems like hours swimming in the water and playing we finally relax in the shade. 2 guys come strolling along and they both check Emma and I out. " HEY ! Keep walking that's my sister and girlfriend you're staring at "!! Christian says as they walk away scared for their lives . I'm not gonna lie they had muscles just not as built like my brother 😂. I laugh and say " oh come on , I need a distraction to"! I say " well I don't like them ". Christian say putting his sunglasses on " you don't like any guy that comes near me "! I say " then nobody is right for you ". He says grinning . I slap him on the arm playfully as we laugh . Afterwards we go eat and shopping and we finally went back to the hotel.

"BEDS"!! I say jumping on the bed and I sigh in a relaxed way. " I never wanna leave you"! I say as my brother says " you act like its your true love and you're dating it "! He says laughing . " yeah because that's the only thing you like and would let me date " I say. He nods " yup! Sounds about right ". He says. We all soon go to sleep and I can't get the image of an acceptance letter out of my head but then I think, what if they deny? I fall asleep dreaming about me being a homeless person and people from school seeing me . ' o lord have mercy on my soul '!


Hey guys , yes I know again pretty short but that's all I had! Anyways what do you think is going the letter going to say when she gets home? We'll find out next time!! P.s , if you haven't seen the tattoo already it's up top ^^^^^^^^. Anyways BYE LOVIES!!

Being the bad boys sister ( IN THE PROCESS OF EDITING!!!! )Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora