Bare it all

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Yes that is how I'm going to do Marianas makeup and hair for every different photos she takes, I'm just going to put this out there;
like Melanie Martinez just rocks everything and she's so fucking beautiful!!. And yes, by bare it all I mean , take all them clothes off!! Anyways, hopefully you like this chapter, and thank you again you guys for 3K reads!! You guys are amazing , if it wasn't for you guys I wouldn't have the motivation to keep working and writing. Now let us read!

" Tyler! Hurry up! We're going to be late "! I hear Mariana say from the other room. I roll my eyes and say " bish it's 3:45 in the morning , we don't need to get there till 5:00, we got a whole lot of time, so calm your tits! Oh wait , you don't got any ". I yell back, laughing evilly to myself. As I was doing my mascara , Mariana decided to throw a pillow at me and I practically almost took my eyeball out. " oh meh eye"! I yell " dramatically ", as Mariana laughed at my pain. " asshole " she says finally after her fits of laughter. " awe what a cute nickname! Like friendship goals "! I say in a bratty way as Mariana just laughs.

I finally finish my hair and makeup at around 4:20. I grab the makeup and hair stuff I need for the photos hoot and I yell as I sprint to the door. " let's go take some smelly pictures shall we "! I say as Mariana says back " we shall, let us begin"! And we run out. " are you excited ! Cause I'm excited , like really really really excited "! Mariana says really fast. " of course I am, your pictures are going to be on the front cover of magazines all over Europe and United States "! I say as I continue driving and Mariana keeps fidgeting from excitement and 10 cups of coffee.

As we finally get to the building , Mariana was already unbuckled and she ran out as soon as I stopped the car in the reserved parking space. " the fuck "? I say frozen for about 2 seconds and get off the car myself. We have to go through the the back door because well its policy rules . Hey! I'm just following orders, speaking of orders I could really got for a milkshake right now. I was so lost in my train of thought that I ended up in the wrong side of the building and walked in on a meeting. " oh! Um, heh, sorry I'm thou- I'm just gonna go ". I say pointing out the door awkwardly.

" where were you "? Mariana asks as I walk into the dressing room. " oh, uh , went into the wrong side of the building ". I say as my cheeks flush red in embarrassment, as I start to get the makeup out and the hair stuff. " you zoned out again didn't you "? She says smirking and shaking her head a little. " ok you zone out , and accidentally walk into a sex shop one time and it's like you're going to do it again, like who do you think I am, freaking Dora the explorer"! I say as she sat down for me to do her makeup and said " at least Dora uses her map when she gets lost ". She says as I say " look I know where I was going ". I say, getting irritated , I swear , how did my mother stand me? " so you're telling me you meant to go there "? She says , raising her eyebrows slightly, obviously not convinced one bit. " maybe ". I say. She shook her head laughing. " hey, let's just get to work instead of talking about my personal mental conversation problems shall we ". I say getting the first product to use. Mariana googled a bit and said " why am I not surprised, but next time , ask Dora for advice ". She says as I roll my eyes. " maybe because I do stupid things all the time ". I say. " don't get to excited about your accomplishments ". She says. " wow, that actually hurt ". I say " dramatically ". We both laugh as I start doing her hair.

After I did her makeup and hair , I took a step back to admire my work , as well to document my work for future clients. " ok, take a look". I say as she turned to the mirror and do a dramatic gasp. " holy Jesus , I look beautiful! Oh what a majestic creature I am ". She says which made me laugh. " I love it , I love it , I love it "! She says hugging me. " you're the best Ty, thank you so freaking much "! She says hugging me one last time. " no problem! Anything for a friend ". I say, getting a makeup remover wipe and using it to remove the makeup that got on my hands and on the vanity table. " as well as you, I'm buying lunch, on me , whatever you want . As a thank you for all this ". She says. " you do t have to, I do it because I want to, not because I have to, but really you do-" " just except it Tyler , cause we all know I'll win ". She says smiling. I rolled my eyes and said " fine, but I'm paying for the next lunch ". I say. " ok , whatever you want princess ". She says playfully. We chuckle until Mariana broke the silence. " I'm going to go ask what I'm going to wear first.
( just so you know, the pictures aren't in order but just go with the one you want to go first in the pictures and just go from there.. If you even got what I meant ). She came back a few minutes later in the first outfit. " wow ! You look amazing"! I say looking impressed and amazed. " come on, it's time "! She says as she sprints out the door going to where the actual photos are to be taken . I get the stuff I need for touch ups and leave to where she is.

After a few hours go by its time for the last photo shoot pictures. I do her next makeup and hair look as they get the back ground and props ready. " ok you're all dolled up, go get dressed ". I say going to get the next outfit but it wasn't there. I looked confused. " where's the other outfit "? I ask, but Mariana wasn't there. I walk out to where the photos were being taken and saw she was there in a robe. I was going to ask her about the missing out fit when she took the robe off completely naked. " ahhh!!! My vulnerable innocent eyes!! Oh I can't see the light "! I say dramatically . Turning away frantically. " Tyler it's ok -" I cut her off quickly. " nope , nope I'm not doing no touch ups until you put clothes on , I am not doing touch ups with your boobs in my face! Not happening nope, not tooodayyy"! I say, shaking my head. " Tyler ! Calm, I'm going to put the robe back on when you do touch ups ". She says reassuring me. " good, cause I don't want to see... Well .... All that ". I say , a little, lost for words.

After the whole photo shoot was over. We got to go back to the hotel and take a few days of break until the release of the magazine. " well today was so much fun right "! Mariana says happily. " yeah defiantly , until you bared yourself and I saw practically everything, you know I'm a child! My innocence has been destroyed ". I say dramatically as always. " oh please, you've probably seen worse and I know you have". She says looking at me. " wh-" " don't play dumb, I know what you and David do on those phones, he sent one earlier today". She says smiling while she turned the lamp off on her side as I say " umm , one : let's not speak of it and 2: don't tell my mother ..... ". I say awkwardly. " don't worry Ty , it's natural, and tell David he has a nice d-" " no, no! , just, go to sleep please "! I say frantically as I turn my lamp off and we sleep until morning arrives.


Ok, so I updated again!! Yay!! Anyways, I really have nothing to say but how incredibly thankful I am for all of you that vote , read and comment! You guys are amazing and well until next chapter! BYE LOVIES!!❤️

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