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Yes! We're in Germany bishes!! I mean... B- never mind who cares! Btw the new book is out now so be sure to check it out if you're interested! Well Let's get to reading!!

" we're actually in Germany "!! I say as Mariana says, " on our time we can go to all the historic places "! As I say back " yeah , cause I really want to go back to school right now ". I say as she says " at least it's better than school , we have field trips every fucking day ". As i laugh and say " true ". We get out of the rental car and go into the hotel we're staying in. It was castle like which scared the fudge out of me because of the last incident. " you know, ever since we visited that old ancient castle I'm scared of them now , so I'm just gonna turn around and-" " well look who's finally here "! I hear as Mariana pulled me back around by the collar of my shirt. " hello , it's nice to meet you ". I say extending my hand for the lady to shake, which she gladly took as well as Mariana. " I'm Genevieve Muller , but you can call me madelyn , people prefer my middle name ". She says as we say ok and I introduce my self. " well , madelyn , I'm Tyler Delgado, you can call me Ty if you'd like, I'm very excited to be working with you". I say as she says " and I'm just as excited "! She says as Mariana introduces herself. " I'm Mariana Morel, but you can call me aria or ari  or Ana , Maria or Ariana if you'd like ". She says , because of  those are pretty much her nicknames that people would constantly call her by. As she shakes her head and says " well aria , it's nice of you . I'm glad that you'll be apart of the modeling family. The girls are very polite and welcoming and if they aren't , please tell me, I don't want the girls losing respect around here as well as them making you feel unwelcome ". She says smiling as Mariana says back " I will Madelyn , thank you". She says as she nods and says as she motions her hand to follow her. " this is where the fashion show is taking place in two days tops. I want the girls makeup to be flawless looking and dramatic. Do you think you can do that Ty "? She asks me as I finished writing it down and said " most defiantly "! With a smile. " great! And I want the hair to be in beach waves and slightly curled for some models, depending which they'd look better in". She says as I write down exactly what she wants. " ok, you'll have just that ma'am ". I say as she smiles and says " now Mariana , you're going to come out first because you're the guest model, so be ready an hour before the show ". She says as Mariana says " sounds good to me ". With a smile. " great! Now here is your room key. It's 2 floors up , the first door to your right, have a nice stay, and if you need anything, call room services , I'll see you tomorrow at rehearsals "! She says blowing a kiss as we did so back and I said " well, she's nice ". , as I pushed the elevator button. " yeah! I think I'm gonna enjoy every moment here ". Mariana says as we get in the elevator and walk back out to the floor and open the door to the room.

The room was beautiful. Everything looked so white and clean and fresh, that if I touched anything a spot of black would appear. " yup, it's official, I'm gonna love it here ". I say, pushing the thought of ghost out of my mind. " so what should we do since it's practically the afternoon now"? I ask as she taps her chin thinking. " maybe... We can ... Go to an art museum or a museum period ". She suggests as I say, " ok! Sounds good! Leggo"!! As I practically almost falling when I jumped up from the bed , but the wall was there to save me from face planting the floor.

" you wanna play double dog dare "? Mariana says as I smile evilly and say " let the games ... BEGIN"!! " ok, I double dog dare draw a little square in the floor with this sharpie and tell the other passengers that, that is your personal space , then meow occasionally ". She says as I say " ok "! Cheerfully. I grab the sharpie and we wait for our first victims. A lady came in and the elevator closed. I drew the little box on the floor and I turned to the lady who was already staring at me weirdly and said " this is my personal space, you step in my terf I'll paw at you". I say , pawing at her like a cat and said " meow"! With my eyes wide open and standing really still not blinking as the elevator doors opened and she ran out , obviously creeped out by the whole situation. We laugh hysterically and as we finally calm down a bit, I say " I double dog dare drop a pin on the floor and wait for someone to go and pick it up for you and yell ' HEY! THATS MY PIN! ' And then stare at that person or another person and say in horror ' you're one of them!' And back away slowly and face the wall and don't turn around but hiss at that person ". She went eye wide and said " that's embarrassing "! As I said " Nope! You gotta do it! If you don't you're doing all my chores for a month"! I say as she says frantically " ok fine ! I will "! And we wait once again for the next victim or victims. A man and a lady walked in and about 2 seconds later she started her dare. Mariana dropped the pin I had let her borrow and she just stood there waiting. The lady went to go pick it up when she yelled really loud " HEY!! THATS MY PIN"! And the lady froze in shock and jumped a little in surprise. She raised her hands a little to gesture that she won't touch it and it fell silent. The lady got off on her stop and pretty much ran out the elevator. The elevator closed again , leaving Mariana , me and the man in the elevator. Then that's when Mariana's gasp filled the silence as she says " you're one of them "! And she pretty much threw herself against the wall facing it and about 5 seconds of me trying to hold in laughter and silence as well ,she looked at the guy with crazy eyes and hissed at him as he flinched and looked at her as if she was some kind of monster.

Once the elevator opened the guy actually ran out. We laughed hard and said " I don't think the museum is opened right now, we were too busy playing games and waiting for people that it's really late. Shall we just go and watch a movie and eat junk food until we fall asleep"? Mariana asks as I say " Yas!! Leggo"!! As we go back up to our room and watch finding nemo and found ourselves continuously saying 'mine ' like, how the birds say it in the movie.
Ok I know this was kind of boring but ... I have some what writers block and my brain isn't functioning right because I ain't normal😳I'm fucking crazy 🙅🏻 Lol , just kidding! 😂 anyways hopefully you guys liked it and the next chapter I will try to make it more interesting and well until next chapter !! BYE LOVIES!!❤️💁🏼

Being the bad boys sister ( IN THE PROCESS OF EDITING!!!! )Where stories live. Discover now