Fashion shows and after parties!

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Well, hello again. You're probably getting annoyed now that I'm updating faster. Well, damn which one you want me to do ? Just kidding I'm being weird now, anyways, on the right is the dress Mariana is wearing to the after party, and on the bottom left corner is obviously Mariana , and on the top left corner is what Tyler is wearing to the after party. welp happy reading ! 😊
" ok, got my outfit , and the makeup, well, looks like I got everything". I say to myself as I start to walk out the door and go to the car outside that is waiting for me. " may I take your bags ma'am "? The driver says as I nod my head and say 'thanks' . As he got my stuff and started loading it in the back for me I make time to call my mom. On the third ring she answers. " Tyler ! Oh good luck honey you're going to do great! I'm going to be watching the show on the live stream, I'm sorry we couldn't be there ". My mom says upset as I hear Emma and Christian in the background saying ' we miss you ' and ' don't fuck up' . I smile and say , tell Christian and Emma to cool it , and that I'll fuck up either way ". I say as my mom chuckles and says " you'll be fine, good luck and have fun ". She says as I say back " I will, I love you mom, I miss you guys , a year will go by faster then you think ". I say as she says " I know honey  , love you too , bye ". She says as I say ' bye ' back and we end the call. I get into the car and we take off to where the fashion show is located.

" thanks Tony ". I say as I get out of the car and he puts my stuff next to me. " no problem Tyler , good luck ". He says and he walks away to the car and drives off. I look at the building in front of me. ' fuck this '! I say in my head . ' but you can do this , just don't think too much....what if a terrorist just pops up? WHY! ' I say in my head. I gather my stuff and walk up the steps to the glass doors and walk in. I look at my surroundings , everything looked amazing. " you must be Tyler ! I'm Katy ,I do the check ups to see how're doing and make sure everything goes planned ,  ". She says looking down at her clip board. " ok , right this way Ms. Delgado". She says walking to the back of the stage behind the curtain. " woah "! I say looking before me. " that's a lot of models "! I say kind of terrified . " yes , which means you have to work fast , you didn't think you were only doing one model did you "? She says looking at me. " I thought , how many am I doing "? I ask a bit more worried. " well, there are only 3 makeup and hair stylist , and about 27 models so you each get 9 models each. So , Hannah does 9 , you do 9 and Samantha does 9. Here is the list of the girls you're doing, so when we gather the girls you will call them they go to your group and you start doing there hair and makeup before the show and during the show if you see there's some touch ups you need to do , do it quickly once they have changed , got it ". She says handing me the list. " defiantly " . I say , feeling like I could pass out any moment . " good , so your girls dressing rooms are right here since we don't want to mix up your groups since you don't know them and so you won't get confused , so in 5 minutes we'll round the girls up and start getting them in there groups so unload all your stuff , 5 minutes "! She says while she walks away to greet the guest that have come to see the show. I start to unload , petrified at what is about to come. ' I'm going to fuck up , and it's going to be bad '. I think as I sit down once I've got all my stuff ready.

" ok girls , gather around "! Katy says . " ok , time to be put in groups , with your makeup artists and hair stylist. This is Ms. Samantha Greene , she is 20 years old and she does excellent makeup and hair so you're in good hands with this one , she has done this before so , you're safe. This is Ms. Hannah Sanders , she is also 20 and perfectly qualified. And this is Ms. Tyler Delgado , the daughter of the most successful fashion designer in history Jocelyn Delgado , she is 18 years old , I haven't seen her work but , I trust that she knows what she's doing , so I advise you to trust her as well, and give her the respect and dignity she deserves as well as everyone in this building and outside , shall we start with Hannah's group ". She says as Hannah slightly nods her head and starts to call out her group. After Samantha did her group it was my turn. I step up and said " well , obviously the remaining come with me but I have to follow instructions so I need :
Bella Garcia
Rose Mercier
Mariana Morel
Casey Legrand
Sarah Martin
Vicky Abbott ----( ha! Immature moment 😂)
Ariana Petit
Juliana Perrin
And Perrie Dubois "
I look up to see they have formed a line . Mariana slanted over to the side and waved at me. I smiled and said " well first girl to get her makeup and hair done is Bella so , can you please take a seat ". I say nicely as she smiled and did as told. I pulled some jokes and everyone laughed and we talked and stuff. It took about 30 minutes to do all nine girls hair and makeup. To be honest they looked really good for being rushed. They all were astonished and amazed at my work. " this is so beautiful ! Thank you Tyler "! One of the models says in her thick accent and hugged me. I hugged back and said " no problem Hun , now you guys should be getting ready for the fashion show so , put on the first clothing , go go"! I say as they all scattered around to get there clothes on. I felt a tap on my shoulder and I turned to be frightened and almost topple over the table when I saw it was just Mariana . " woah , I know you're a model and you're suppose to be tall but , you're fucking green giant up in this fashion show "! I say as Mariana laughed and said " well thanks for that comment , but I love what you did with my makeup and hair , it's beautiful , I'm so glad you're going to be my makeup and hair stylist "! She said excitedly. " I know , I can't believe it either , it's going pretty good so far, it's just the whole rushing thing to touch up the girls makeup and hair and it's going to be pretty chaotic back here , I mean how can such a little space get this crazy , it's like ants , when someone steps on there pile ". I say as Mariana chuckled a bit at me for thinking of everyone in the room as ants . " well , I find it the best and most exciting part, but you're new , it'll grow on you , and the more you do it , it won't be as crazy as you think, it just gets easier ". She says . I smile softly and I hug her but not too tight , don't want the clothes getting wrinkled. " thanks Ari , for believing in me ". I say as Mariana said " no problem weirdo ". I smiled as Katy came in and said " 5 minutes till show time people , get in your places , lets move , move "!!  And she went back out where hundreds of people were seated and waiting for the show to start. I got all the stuff I need for touch ups and waited at the exit place my group are suppose to go to get in there next set of clothes.

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