Killing me from the inside

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Ok , so like , I have nothing much to say .... Soo ... Let's get to it then shall we! XD

I wake up to a bright light blinding me. I squint to try and focus my eyes. As I finally adjusted them I saw that David was asleep on a chair next to the hospital bed I was in. I try to remember what happened but it was interrupted by a loud gasp and that familiar voice I was quiet surprised to hear. " Doctor ! She's awake"! Mariana yells out the door . I raise my eyebrow in confusion , given the fact I don't know what's going on nor what happened.  The doctor walks in , asking me multiple questions. After 30 minutes of checking me and all that jazz he finally left me alone to talk to David and Mariana. " where's my mom "? I ask in a croaked voice. " there out getting some stuff real quick". David says as I look to the other side of the room than back at David and Mariana. " how long was I asleep "? I ask, ready  to sigh any moment. " 3 days ... We thought you weren't going to wake up, Ty we thought you were dead, what the hell were you thinking"? Mariana says , looking at me with her eyes red and puffy, ready to cry. " I don't know, I guess I have bad luck ". I say trying to remember exactly what I did until I looked down to my arms and remembered.  " oh honey, your not unlucky, bad things just happen because your a dumbass". Mariana says in a child like voice. " wow , thanks for the sugar coat ". I say sarcastically. " even if your in the hospital your still a sarcastic b-". Before she could continue, the person I wanted to just hurt so bad came in with the devil. I clenched my teeth, and my fists were ready to make impact with both him and the Devils face. Oh, today I really am going to dance with the devil. ( that's  for all my breaking Benjamin fans 😆)
" we wanted to come visit , considering you are my... My offspring ".  Arron says , remembering what I told him about him calling me his daughter.  " look i know you don't want us here and I know you hate me and-". " oh , I don't hate you guys, I'm just not necessarily excited about y'all's existence ". I say with a fake smile on. Arron sighed looking a bit frustrated but continued. " I just wanted to come see how you're doing and possibly make amends". He says as Gabriella puts in her fifty cents " I feel awful about what I did, I never meant to do all this , I'm truly sorry". She says with the most fake voice and worst acting face I've ever seen. I mean, I've seen a dogs pooping face look more convincing then the face she's making. " if you're going to be two-faced , at least make one of them pretty ". I say as Mariana and David try to contain them selves from saying ' burn ' and laughing too loud . " excuse me, I'm just trying to apologize for the way I acted and this is the way you treat me "? She says in a " hurt " way. Yeah , like she got feelings. " look Gabriella , I know you wanted this, I'm not stupid, but to be honest, you're the worst actress and liar there is , and a penguin is way smarter than you. But I can applaud you on your genius plan on killing me from the inside, I've never thought of doing that, and I can see why I've never thought of doing it. Because I'm not cruel, and a devil like you , I'd like to see things in your point of view Gabriella , but I can't seem to get my head that far up your ass". I say as David and Mariana had to literally leave the room to laugh but we could still hear them. Even Arron tried not to laugh. Gabriella couldn't seem to find words to say. So , I helped her out . " this is the part you stomp your foot on the ground and be a diva for like 2 seconds and walk away ". I say smiling . Gabriella gave me another constipated face as she walked towards the door but It was just too easy. " someday you'll get far, just hope you stay there ". I say as they turn one last time but don't say anything but walk away . Oh how I love the way my mind works. Mariana and David finally come in, trying to breath and look like tomatoes because they were laughing too much. " I swear , I wonder if she gets tired of putting makeup on both her faces ". I say as David says " I may love to shop but nobody going to be buying her bullshit ". He says as Mariana says " I thought guys hate shopping unless you're gay ". Mariana says as me and her laugh. " gay? Oh please , I'm straighter than the pole your mother dances on ". He says as I laugh even harder and we both are trying to breath as Mariana just sits there looking at David and I . " you'll never be the man you mother is ". Mariana says as David stops laughing but I continue. " I see she's doing well ". I see my mom come in as Christian and Emma practically suffocate me in there hugs. Once they finally let go Emma smacks me in the head. " Ow! What the hell was that for "!? I say as Emma says " why is it acceptable for you to be an idiot and for me not to point it out "?! She says " damn, everyone got some jokes today, did you guys rehearse everything for when I wake up ". I say as Emma smacks me in the head again. " ok , what was that for ". " oh nothing , just felt like doing it ".She says smiling as I smirk a little as I look and realize my whole family is here with me. " um , Tyler , why are you smiling like that? It's kind of scaring me ". David says, as Emma response " she's thinking about something good, something she's proud of, I know every single one of her smiles, she has multiple ones for a certain situation". She says as David says " wow , you really know everything about her ". " obviously , she's my sister in so many ways " .  I couldn't be more thankful to have my family here right now. Even if it's in a hospital bed.

The doctor comes in again, explaining about the medication I need to take and giving us a phone number to a specialties for me to see someone about my self harm and from preventing me from continuing it and from trying to commit suicide. Pretty much what he said. I get out of the hospital in 2 days and I get to go back to my job and I seriously just want to leave now but I can't . We play some games , I did Emma's , Marianna's and my moms makeup and David and Christian also let me do there makeup because I'm sick and well they just made one exception.  Gabriella might have killed me from the inside. But , she can never kill what I have in my life, and that's my true family.

Ok, I know it was pretty short but I'm kind of out of things to write and I'm really not focusing right now. I felt like updating again but , it wasn't long and I'm sorry! I can't think hard enough at the moment. But , hopefully the next chapter is long , I'll try my best. Hopefully you guys like it and until next chapter .... BYE LOVIES !!❤️

Being the bad boys sister ( IN THE PROCESS OF EDITING!!!! )Where stories live. Discover now