Authors note❤️

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Ok , I know you were hoping for another chapter but, let's just take a moment and congratulate me for actually not giving up on this book or any other book, and not being dumb and saying " it's stupid, what was I thinking ". When really they were fucking good plots but at the time I was insecure about everything so I deleted those stories or ended it and didn't delete it off because I'm a weirdo. 😊 just the little things. Now , I also want to thank those who read my story and sometimes comment. It makes me really happy. I might not reply which I'm very sorry cause at the moment I'm busy or I was writing a chapter for another book. So, please for give me on that and don't think I don't appreciate you guys because I really do. If it wasn't for you my little penguins, I wouldn't be still writing this story. Just seeing you vote , comment, and even add my story to your reading list makes me happy and lets know you guys actually read and there are people who really do love my story , no matter how dumb the jokes are and how sometimes they make no sense because in real life, I really don't make sense .

I also wanted to vent a little bit with you guys because I have to let all this go in order to let it go. ( lol I just had to sing the song out loud , I know your thinking it too 😂 ). I use watt pad as an escape to be who I am , why? Simple. If you met me  here on watt pad you know I'm the most talkative person, and find me very curious about a lot of things. That's because I love learning stuff but you find me asking weird questions like : " do you have big red "? Like that kind of stuff. That's because 1: I'm weird as hell and 2: I really want to know. You'd also find me really , weird, but I don't know if you'd find me weird in a good way or bad but who cares! See I can't be talkative to everyone in real life for those who know me in real life here on watt pad . I talk to my friends pretty good but if you're some one I don't know or don't really know or some one I'm afraid to let in I get shy and nervous. Why? Simple. I've had some pretty tough times in my life to where I'm scared if I show my true form , no one will except me, and no one will understand me for me. That's when I start to close in . But , at the moment I have people like my best friend ( AKA isabella122112 , check her out if you hadn't already) to pick me back up and make me stronger. I also have my Bf  ( AKA g3TReKeds0n , check him out of you hadn't already ). There to make sure I'm ok, even if I say I am he knows I'm not. These two people in my lives make it known that they don't want bullshit. They make me smile everyday even if they sometimes they argue which hurts me. All I want is for them to get along . If there not good as friends then don't , even if they are doing it for me. I don't want two people I love fight in front of me.  These two people are my family, they make me whole again, they make me stronger. They may not know it but they both are done breaking my walls. I'm finally free to be me. Just one thing holding me back is the people. What if they don't like me? or maybe even judge me before they even get to know me.  The friends I have at school except me for me , but what about others? That one thing I'm afraid of , is being rejected before you even got to know me. Sometimes I wish people would stop judging and being impertinent to other people for once and actually talk and get to know each other respectfully and in a civilized way. Those people who judge and make fun of others for being themselves are cruel and disrespectful . They feel like just because they have something that you don't they can just be like  that is horrible and disgusting.   Sometimes people have to kill those types of people with kindness. I learned that you don't always have to say something horrible back, it just makes the situation worse in ways you never knew. Don't stoop to there level, so surprise them with kindness .  

I've never felt more happy in my life until the two people who came into my life. Emma and I have been through so many bumps and roller coasters it's literally funny when we both think back and say " we're dumb "! We've also almost lost our friendship to something that wasn't even worth the thought of ending our relationship. I'm going to be honest , I see her as my sister, she might not live with me , nor we related in blood because everyone knows I'm not Scottish and that I'd look horrible in red hair 😂. But she's my sister and I wouldn't replace her for the world. She got me this far into my happiness and brought me to a world where I can't let people bring me down. She made me stronger in many ways that she might not even know about because I'm embarrassed to tell her 😅.  She's one of the best people I've met and I wouldn't give her up, that's if penguins ruled the world and they wanted me to give something that means most to me in order to be queen. 😅  , just putting that out there . Anyways , back to what I was saying. She may not know how much I'm happy and how much I've changed but, if it wasn't for her, I wouldn't have the guts to tell someone off. 

Now , the other person ( AKA g3TReKeds0n , don't know if he'd allow me to put his name out there so just using his username xD )  brought me out of my shell more than I  would allow myself to do. He's made me comfortable more to be in my own shoes to be able to be me. Now , I only show a little bit  of me but , once freshmen year comes, I can promise you, I'm going to be me. The full me. I can be fully me now but , what is the use when it's already going to be the end of the year, I got to save it for a good time to let go and be who I am.  He's made me strong in the same ways Emma did , he's made me less shy than what I was before. I can some what talk to people with out turning away, somewhat because I can look them in the eyes only for like 5 seconds and turn away, but it's a start.  He's taught me how to really not give a shit of what people say about me.  He's taught me not to let people bring me down because there's nothing wrong with me and that what they say isn't true. It's  hard to not believe what they say, because people can say I'm pretty, beautiful, cute how ever much they want but I don't feel beautiful or pretty. I have my insecurities and it's ok. 

Those are the things that make you, you. You might not like them and you want to get rid of them but you can't. even if you can, but you know under what you put on that flaw is still there. I'm not going to tell you how to run your life. You want plastic surgery because that's what makes you happy than get it. You want to dye your hair because you hate your natural color then dye your hair if it makes you happy. If you want to wear makeup because it makes you feel beautiful than put on makeup . If it makes you happy than do it. The only important thing is your happiness, so don't let others bring you down on what makes you happy.

People will judge you along the way , but that's part of life. It never goes away and it never ends. Don't be like me and get stuck in another personality because your afraid of what people may think of you, or say about you. If you lose who you are , you can never get it back. Some people are lucky enough to get who they are back, I'm one of those people and I'm thankful for that. Others aren't so lucky but do the best you can to get somewhat of you back, because you deserve your happiness. No matter where you've been, what you've done, I won't judge you. I've been judged before , I still do, and I know how it feels. If I don't want to be judged than I won't judge you. It's just how I see things. People may say things, and do things to prevent you from going far, but it's what matters on how you think of yourself and the things that make you happy. If you love to sing, dance, play sports, eat, make people laugh etc.. Than do so!  Be confident and comfortable in your own skin, don't change who you are for someone who is changing you into something your not comfortable with or happy about. Just stay the way you are and let the people who love and care about you see it.

I love the people in my lives. They may do things or say things I'm not fully happy  with , but it's the little things that make you happy and  count.I love isabella122112 and g3TReKeds0n   , why? Simple . They made me comfortable and confident enough to be who I am and love myself. I couldn't be more thankful to have these two people in my lives . I'll never trade them for anything. Even if it means losing my place  on being queen of the Penguins.  If you have someone or people in your lives helping you be more you , and getting you back up when your down. Comment on who they are and tell me what they do that makes you stronger everyday.  I love you guys so much and  I'll update the story whenever I  can , BYE LOVIES!!❤️😂

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