Authors note( important )

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Alright you guys!!! It's been so much fun writing for you guys and having you guys reading, commenting, and voting makes me happy to know that there are people out there who actually read and like my stories. But, all stories do have to come to an end. The ending is coming, and it's coming fast. I don't know from how many chapters but, it'll come soon. Obviously this doesn't count, cause it's not the story. But! I do have a option for you guys. I'm going to be looking to see who wants me to do either a sequel or an epilogue? Comment or PM me what you guys want and I'll make it happen!!

Also thank you guys sooooooo much for getting me up to 6k reads!!! It means so much that you guys read and ( hopefully ) enjoy my story. Thank you for all that you do, and I can't even thank you enough for getting me this far. If you are interested check out my newest edition, Bittersweet Tragedy
It's out now! If you are curious or interested, please check it out! It's my first time writing a romance story, so bare with it😂.

Without a further a do, that is all I have to say. Please tell me if you guys want me to continue this book in sequel form, or just do a brief summary ( AKA epilogue)! Thank you again you guys!! Until next chapter!!!! BYE LOVIES!!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

I have a missing pet tortoise , here's the description because I really need him back :)

- he be my nigga
- pulling all the bitches at petco
- he was chilling like a villain and someone grabbed the nigga
- I'm mothafucking pissed
- when I find you, I'll poke you in your eye and burn down your house!
- also fuck your bitch and steal your lettuce
- please give him back, imma cry😢

Hahahhahahaha!!!! I didn't have any other description so yeah! Emphasized!!! Also, it's not my tortoise........ It's my cousins and I was looking after it and POOF! Gone... Have a great day/evening/night/morning depending where you are. BYE LOVIES!!!❤️❤️

Being the bad boys sister ( IN THE PROCESS OF EDITING!!!! )Where stories live. Discover now