I can just slap the whiteness out of you!!

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Don't it just look so tempting to go... Anyways story time!
"mom get up , it's time for yahoo not snooze snooze ". I whisper in my moms ear. She didn't move , I jump on the bed and say " WINGARDIUM LEVIOSA "!!! Still nothing . " * sighs * really! ". ' ok , that's it ' . I go to the little kitchen that they have in the room, and I turn the stove on. I grab a tea pot thing and put water in it . I set on the stove and wait for it to make that annoying squealing sound it makes. My mom and Christian immediately wake up . " finally , I've been trying to wake you up for the past millionth year , come on get dressed I wanna get there early "! My mom and Christian were taking slow , my mom constantly checking her phone anxious and Christian the same. ' somethings not right ' . I think. ' oh no , maybe a secret agent is out to get us and they got bad news telling them that they're going to bomb us while on a ride '!!! ' wait , why do I always assume I'm going to die ? Ehh whatever '. After were all done we go to the rental car we got and drive 30 minutes to Universal studios!!
" epppp "!!! I squeal , " I can't wait to go to diagon alley and Hogsmeade !!! "!! I say " dude why are you carrying a stick "? Christian says , " I can just slap the whiteness out of you, no ,you know what I have my wand so I can just curse you "!! I say " yeah ha ! Ok ". Christian say sarcastically . " this fool really wants me to do the Crucio curse on him ' ( if you don't know what that is ,because you don't bother to read or watch Harry Potter it is an illegal torture curse that is forbidden to use in the wizardry world and muggle world , and if you don't know what muggle means it's just a word wizards use to indicate a non wizard meaning there normal ) . We get into the parking lot as I'm anxious to run around the car until my mom finally gets down.

After we get checked and finally get in , I get a map of the whole park and immediately lead the way to Diagon Alley and Hogsmeade!! Once we get there I go to the place they sell there butterbeer ice cream to try it . When I walk in I see a familiar person . ' nah! That can't be ' . As the person turns around I freak out " EMMA "!! She turns to me and smiles as we both sprint to each other and give hugs but the lady told us no running . Me and Emma look at her for ruining our moment and she looks at us ugly " what bish! Got something to say! Jump froggy jump "!! I say but my mom said her sorry and led us out and said " what's wrong with you "?  " well she gave us a dirty look! Hell we should be the ones giving the dirty looks". I say. " anyways , HUGS "! I say turning to a red faced Emma who was to busy laughing from my little comment. I smile as we hug. " I miss this , I'm so glad I came back. I smile .

We ride rides , went into the shops and everything " so , when do you have to go back "? I ask. " in 2 months ". " ooo gives us time to hang out ". I say as we get in line for a ride . " well time to go back to the hotel girls , tomorrow we can got to the walking dead part and other stuff ". My mom says as a chorus of ' yeahs ' come out of our mouths .

" ok ready , go !" We put the unknown substance in our mouths that we got from the Weasely's Wizard Shop. I scrunched my face up in disgust " what is that "! I say , " ha! You got the gross one I got the good one ". She teases , I throw her a very bad hand gesture as I get ready for bed. I put on a tank top and some shorts and start brushing my hair. " Tyler "? She says , sounding concerned and kinda angry . " yeah "? I say looking at her . " you have cuts on- please don't tell me ". Is braid my hair , and nod , " it was a long time ago , I'm not doing it anymore , Christian was helping me get through it ". I say , besides once I get the tattoos I want on my wrist you won't , hopefully , see it . " I say . " when are you going to get the tattoos"? She asks " tomorrow , I'm going to go after we leave the theme park , my mom doesn't mind ". I say she nods . " I can't wait to see it ". She says excitedly .

We talked for awhile until we finally fall asleep, letting the dark consume us and dreams come flooding through.

Hello guys again short but I'm saving the tattoo story and stuff tomorrow! What do you think Tyler is going to get? Comment and tell! And please vote ! Until next time !! BYE LOVIES!!!!!

Being the bad boys sister ( IN THE PROCESS OF EDITING!!!! )Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя