Bachelorette party!!!

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Alright! I skipped to the day before Emma's wedding!!! It's time to party!!! Again!!!! YASS!!!! And Emma !! That picture is for you! I had to show you xD ^^^^^^^Alright, time to get to the story!!!
" let's go, Emma thinks I'm down at the beach having trouble getting my foot out of a sand castle bucket "! I yell at Christian and David as they got into the car as I started speeding down to the beach. " ok, how does my Emma even believe that, cause she would know that is a totally huge lie ". Christian says as my cheeks get red as I say " let's just say, I've had my fair share of moments with my sand castle buckets ". As Christian chuckles while shaking his head saying " how many times "? " 8 times, but that's not the point!! The point is getting to the beach before she does "!! I say as David and Christian laugh hard. " how the hell do you get your foot stuck in a sand castle bucket "! David says as I say " I don't know! It's unexplainable "!! I say, cheeks getting redder by the second.

We got to the beach before Emma did. Perfect! I ran down to where I said I'd be and got the bucket and pretended it was stuck, but as I put it on, it actually did get stuck, I looked up quick, with the most priceless face and look around to make sure no one was looking. Thank go David and Christian weren't, cause they'd be making fun of me even more. What the hell Tyler !! Not again!!! I say to myself, as I sat there impatient. Finally I see Emma's car pull up, And I start to panic, and not acting, it's for real because I actually did get stuck.

" ok! I tried to get here as soon as I could! Now how the fudge nip did you get your foot stuck in the bucket again "? She asks as I smile and say " honestly , I have know idea, just hurry please! David is here and Christian and if they see me they're going to make fun of me "!! I say as she shakes her head and says " only I would make friends with a totally weird and childish person, sometimes I worry about you now that you're pregnant ". She says as I smirk.

It took about 10 minutes to get the stupid bucket off. " thanks honey buns! I thought I'd never be free". I say as she laughs and says " your welcome Ty, I'm going to get home now ". I say as I practically scream " wait !! I need to show you what I made "!! I say, mentally face palming. " uh, Ty , just take a picture and show it to me when I get home, I need my beauty sleep for my wedding tomorrow ". She says as I roll my eyes and say " it'll just take a second.... Pweaseeeeeeee ". Making a puppy dog face as she gives in. " fine ! Where's the stupid sand castle "! She says walking in front of me. " oh it's more than just a sand castle ". I whisper to myself as I lead her to where everyone was at.

Once we got there all the brides maids surprised her as Emma again almost punched at least one person in the face. " Tyler! You shouldn't have "! She says, hugging me. " well it is a special day tomorrow And that means, you have to have more fun then Christian tonight before the wedding, you in on the competition "! I say, smirking, knowing she won't pass on a competition. " oh, I'm in "! She says as we start to have our fun.

We sent at least 40 pictures to David and Christian at how much fun we were having than them, and they'd send pictures back. We all went skinny dipping with a bunch of male strippers ( lol like wtf 😂😜 ) while David and Christian and the other guys were pretty much at one of the best clubs, where pretty much every celebrity goes to.

Once we had our fun, it was time to get home because Emma has to get up at 7:00 for her make up and hair to be done, and get into her dress and everything, and it was currently 2:40 in the morning. I drove home since obviously I didn't drink, so Emma was in the back sick, drunk off her ass. " oh my god, Ty , I can't believe ! You brung magic mike to the beach, just ! Holy fuck "! She slurred as she started laughing. I tried so hard not to laugh at he sight of her.

Once we got off the car I helped her out, and she stared u to the sky, and started laughing. Once we were half way I decided to mess with her so I got out my phone and recorded what I was going to . " Emma, where do dead birds live "? I ask as she laughs, but then got serious and didn't answer. She looked at the sky again and started laughing and pointed at the sky and said " Oh my god , there's a dead bird ! How'd you do that "!? She says , laughing harder than ever. I laughed and sent the video to David and Christian and went inside.

David and Christian were laughing when I walked in and I heard Christian say " oh my god! This chick is crazy! I wonder if she's single bro ". I shake my head laughing. Guess they're both pretty fucked up.

" hey, how was your guys night "? I ask as Christian fell to the ground and screamed " INTRUDER!!! INTRUDER "!!!! " CHRISTIAN ITS ME TYLER!! YOUR SISTER "!!' I say as he stops and says " oh! Sorry ". As he rolls over on his back and says " I want a pickle "! We laugh as Emma said " play with your own pickle! My pickle tired "! As she walked up the stairs. " we all laughed as Christian said " Isn't she that super hot girl from that video you showed me David ". As David and I laugh.

" well I'm going to make sure Emma's in the room she's suppose to, you get Christian to bed ". I say as he nods and tries to get Christian to get up. I walked down the hall to my room and opened the door to Emma with my toy crown that I kept from my child hood as well as my tea party set. She had it on and had teddy bears set as she talked to them in a British voice and said " would you like more tea Mrs. Piggy ! Well too bad! It's mine!! I'm the queen "!! As she fell off the chair and pretended it be scared for her life screaming " I'm sorry!!! I won't deceive you ever again!! Please no! NO!!!!!". And she pretended to play dead. I stared at her for a very long time, waiting to see how long she'll play dead, then I notice she was actually asleep, so I smiled and decided not to move her and place a blanket on top of her and went to bed myself, letting the sun rise for the next big day!
Alright! I tried to make it funny but it's probably not xD but next Chester will be Emma's big day! But will something make everything about Tyler that catches both Emma and Christians eye? Well stay tuned to find out! Until next chapter !!! BYE LOVIES!!!❤️❤️❤️

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