Suprise motha'******

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Ok so I know I said I wasn't gonna update but I really want to cause right now I'm done with all my Shiz and I need to have a laugh at myself right now 😂 yes.... I laugh at myself , which probably isn't normal but you'd know why if you met me 😆ok let's get to the book shall we!

" hey "! I say letting David come in as he says " hey love ". And kisses the top of my forehead. I smile and Christian is there to be introduced. " David this my brother Christian , Christian this is David ". I say nervously. My brother came up to him intimidatingly and shook his hand firmly . David didn't flinch which took Christian by supersede and maybe a little impressed. " well surprise motha ****** "! Emma says popping out scaring me half to death. " so how's it going "? Emma asks " good I think Christian likes him but we gotta wait till the end of the day ". I say as they say bye and walk out the door to have a guys day.

We walked to the mall as we wasted time . " so , do you think David is dead right now somewheres in an alley way"? Emma says . " hopefully not , now that you say I'm kinda worried now ". I say checking the time. " ugh! It's still 4:00 "! I say . " that's because it's only been an hour "! Emma says. " so , New Years , what's you're resolution, cause mine is new year , new me  "? Emma asked and said,  making conversation to make time go faster. " you can say new year new me all you want but we both know you're the same asshole I want to stab with a fork ". I say as she punches me and we both laugh. " penguins "!!! I say grabbing the slippers. " I'm buying it , even if I don't need them , they're too damn cute and they're penguins "!! I say as I go the the counter and buy them. " so , have you told David about you're family like about your dad and how you're loaded and all "? Emma asks as I chuckle a bit. " no , I'm waiting for when it comes down to where he's ready to meet my mom, I don't want to go too fast , I mean we just got together, I'll wait for awhile ". I say eating more of the orange chicken I had on my plate .

" no , no I'm fine , just a little clothes ". I say as I pick the clothes that I dropped from the clothes rack. " well that was embarrassing ". I say smiling as Emma was still laugh. " you wanna go watch a movie "? I ask as she nodded in response.

After the movie we went back to the hotel. As we walked in we heard laughing. We walked in all the way and saw David and Christian playing video games and chilling like he would with his own. " hey , how was it "!? I say walking over to them from behind . " it was great love ". He says kissing my cheek as Christian mouthed ' I like him '. I smiled and mouthed back ' thank you '!! And he nodded. After it hit 10:50 David had to get home. He did a bro hand shake and he gave me a peck on the cheek and hugged Emma and said " see you later "! And walked out. " I don't wanna go home now ! We leave in 2 days and I'm gonna miss him"! I say . " well at least you'll see if you got into the college you want to go to "! Emma says cheerfully " oh yeah , that defiantly makes everything better "! I say sarcastically . " oh come on , you have to be excited "! She said laughing . " excited , more like I want to kill my self and go in a hole and be a nervous wreck "!! I say and lay on the bed . " why does life need to be so complicated ". I whisper but it's audible for them to hear.

We get to bed shortly after . I couldn't sleep wondering how it would be with mine and David's long distance relationship, I mean he's going back home in 2 days as well which is only 30 minutes away but mine is like a hundred or a thousand miles away ! I don't know if I'm able to go through it , not seeing him . Hopefully we figure something out.


Alright so I know I said I wouldn't update a lot but I had to since I hit 1K reads !! You guys are seriously amazeballs!! I will update whenever I can and stay beautiful!!! And also listen to the song I love it so much , and yeah I barely found out about this person not too long ago so go ahead cuss me out but you have to admit this song is really good!! Until the next chapter !! BYE LOVIES!!❤️ P.S. I know it was short I have bad writers block right now xD

Being the bad boys sister ( IN THE PROCESS OF EDITING!!!! )Where stories live. Discover now