Hello my peasants!!

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Alright, I got nothing to say cause I'm a freaking weirdo!! So, my little penguin beans! Carry on!!

" alright, ms, here's you're car ". The man says, handing me the keys to it. " why thank you kind sir, what a gentleman you are". I say in a British accent. The man looked at me weirdly as he says " ma'am , I'm not British and I don't sound like that and I'm 17 ". The man , I mean , should I say child says. I put up a hand and say " silence !! Anyways here's some peanuts , knock yourself out "! I say, throwing him the bag of peanuts and getting into the car and driving away from the confused kid. " mwhahahaha !!! I love confusing people!!! It's my duty"!!! I say as I drive. Park in the driveway as I stare at the place. " well, let's get this business over with. "! I say excitedly and get down from the car and start walking to the door. I walk in and look around. It's quiet... A little too quiet. I walk up the stairs and down the somewhat dark hallway. The only source of light coming from the Windows. I stop at the foot of the door in front of me. I was going to be proper and open it like a normal person would. But normal is over rated and boring, so I kicked the door open. " HELLO MY PEASANTS IM HOME !! UGH!!! MY EYES"!!!! I yell barging into my brothers room, but covering my eyes and running out into the hall as my brother cussed me out!! " what the hell!!! This is my fucking room!! What fucking living hell are you doing here anyways"!! He yells as he puts clothes on as well as Emma. " what the hell were you thin- uh, Ty you alright"? He asks looking at me weirdly. I sat with my knees up to my chest and staring at the wall in a daydream look. " My innocence has been, decapitated "! I say as Emma tackled me to the ground hugging me tightly " Tyler!! I'm so happy you're here "!! She yells as I say " bush get off me you nasty "!! I say trying to crawl away but she held onto me tighter and said " bish you're going to love me"!! As I still struggle with getting away and say " what the hell have you been doing!! Trying to be a fucking Wrestler "! I say as she says " yes "!! And I laugh. We stopped messing around and Christian finally gives me a tight hug. " I missed you're little smart ass! What're you doing here? Aren't you leaving in 3 days to go somewhere else"? He asks as I say " yes , but I decided to sneak over here to see the Fam since its been awhile, I mean I am not gonna be seeing you guys a lot since this is a tour". I say as he just smiled. " mom?" I ask as he says " she went to the store, she should be getting back soon ". He says as I say " ok! IMMA gonna call David and surprise him"! I say as I dial his number while I look at Emma's ring. " hello"? I hear a deep voice say through the phone. " hey, it's me Hun". I say as I hear him get up " babe! How're you? Everything ok? Are you hurt in any way shape or form? Who did it ? I'll beat there ass "! He says as I laugh at his concerning ways. " no I'm fine. I just wanted to ask if you've check up on my brother? He's not answering his calls and I'm getting worried. Could you be a white lamb and check for me please". I say as he says " of course I'll call you back to tell you if he's ok, alright". He says as I say " ok, thank you so much sweetheart, I love you ". I say as he say ' I love you ' back and we end the call. " alright I'm gonna hide now". I say, as Christian Shakes his head and says " you better not give him a heart attack , I actually like the dude ". He says as I say back " why would I do that! Just gonna be a friendly scare ". I say as i look at Emma and say " before I go let me see the ring one last time cause that sucker huge "! I say as she laughs. I look at the ring and smirk deviously and take it off her and run away laughing. " HEY! TYLER!! GIVE IT BACK"!! She says as she starts liking for me. She couldn't find me so she gave up.

About 20 minutes later, I hear Christian talking to David. " well I'll call her and tell her you're ok ". He says as my brother tells him to stay a bit longer to hang out. He agreed and dialed my number. I was near where he was and my phone started to ring. He look confused as walked out behind him and said " you're a wizard David "! As he jumped up scared turning to me as we all laughed. " Ty! Oh my god , you scared me "!! He says hugging me. " what are you doing here "? He asks as I say " wanted to visit the Fam. How've you been". I say as we tall for hours at end. My mom came a few hours ago and practically cried for like 20 minutes. We all ate like our lives depended on it.... Ok that's a lie.. I ate like my life depended on it.

" Well, I'm leaving in 2 days so, let's have fun for theses 2 days I'm here"! I say as we all continued to eat and talk. After we were done we all started to get ready for bed as Emma and I started washing dishes. " hey, Ty, can i ask you something "? She asks as I say while drying the dishes and putting them were they belong. " you already did , but what's up "! I says as she rolls her eyes playfully and says " wow , there's never a moment when you're not being a smart ass. Anyways, I was wondering if you could... Well, be my maid of honor "? She says swinging as if waiting for me to punch her in her face and say ' bish please '! I stopped what I was doing and I smiled wide and turned to her while hugging her and saying " yes! Yes! A million times and a fucking cherry yes"!! As she laughed and said " well we're planning on getting married when you get home, so we'll start planning by then". She says as I put a thumbs up and we walk up the stairs to our rooms as I  say " good! Well I'm gonna get to bed , night honey buns "! I say and we go into our rooms and fall asleep till morning arose.

Being the bad boys sister ( IN THE PROCESS OF EDITING!!!! )Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ