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Ok, I'm back again. So, like, yeah... I got nothing to say soo.... Let's continue!! 😄👍🏻
" I can't believe we're going to London "! I say as Mariana just chuckled at my excitement. " well , your excited ". She says. " of course I'm excited! It's been my dream to do an actual photo shoot , in London !! London is beautiful!! At least to me but, best part is, I'm going to be doing your hair and makeup cause , well come on I'm fucking perfect "! I say , as I shook Mariana half to death in her seat. " ok... Thanks for the.... Hair due ". She says, getting her hair out of her face , because I shook her around a little too much.

After the long flight and me practically pissing my pants from fear of being up too high and having to be told if I didn't stop scaring the passengers about a terrorist being on the plane and that they could be taking us somewhere else that they'd kick me off. So, Mariana had too calm me down a bit by singing me lullaby's and buying me a candy bar from the flight attendant. " oh , how I missed the ground "! I say, as I get on my knees and say " we have landed safely to our destination, let us be safe , and be at peace with whom we have be "! I say in a dramatic Shakespeare kind of voice. " do you even know what you're saying ". " no, not a clue ". I say, still looking down with a dramatic face. " well, shall we go to where they await ". Mariana says , trying to make fun of me. " I have you know, I got more comebacks and sarcastic shit then you'll ever have ". I say, threateningly. " please, keep talking, I yawn when I'm interested ". She says as my mouth dropped and I held my hand up to my heart and pretended to be hurt. " " I'd slap you but I don't want your face to look any better ". I say, as Mariana rolls her eyes and says " are we done insulting each other , I want to get to the hotel already ".  She says . " yes , I'm done , let us go to where they await "! I say as we walk together to find our rental car.

We finally made it to our hotel. Once we got into our hotel room I simply let my body free fall onto the bed with my arms spread out gracefully like I'm about to fly. " oh , how I just want to sleep on this cloud forever ". I say, as I turn onto my stomach and laid my face on the mattress and spoke but it was muffled . " I'm gonna stay like this till I feel like I'm ready to come out of hibernation "!!! I say as Mariana says " I do too but , we have to go and meet the people who are going to be on the set of my photo shoot . " ugh! More people to impress, why can't they be like our pillows and beds, they love you instantly because they know you'll enjoy there soft cuddly self ". I say in a little girly voice. " I swear , you talk about furniture like they have feelings ". She says chuckling a bit. " that's because I appreciate them, like they appreciate my spit when I drool ". I say as Mariana laughed. " well let's get going , don't want to be late ". She says as I sigh loudly as we exit the room as I have a mini tantrum " but I don't wanna goooooo"!!!!!!! I say as I stomp my feet on the ground every step I took. " well too bad , if you behave yourself I promise I'll buy you ice cream on the way back to the hotel , does that sound good "? She says. My face brighten up as I said " chocolate chip with cookie dough ice cream with rainbow sprinkles with a cherry on top ". I say extremely fast and in a hopeful way. " yes, whatever you want ". " holy grail , I already like these people how come we never met them "!! I say as I get in the passenger seat and Mariana gets in the driver seat since I don't know how to drive on the opposite side of the road. " we haven't even got there yet , but ok ". I hear Mariana say under her breath.

" oh there goes the famous Mariana Brigitte Morel , and Tyler Marie Delgado "! A very attractive guy says as we came through the backstage door. He pecked Mariana's hand as well as mine. " let me show you where your dressing room is , both of yours because this is your personal makeup artist and hair stylist right "? He asks Mariana . " yes sir , she is ". Mariana says as we smile. " perfect, since she is your personal makeup artist and hair stylist you have the same dressing room which you'll obviously get ready for all the different clothing styles we'll tell you to put on and this young lady will work her magic with her creative mind and abilities , come and I'll show you to both your shared dressing room". He says as we smile and follow behind him. " thank you for the help Mr. Cullen ". I say as he says " please Tyler and Mariana , call me by my name , Daniel ". He says " ok , thanks Daniel ". I say as he leaves the room. " well that wasn't so bad, thank the heavens on that ". I say as we look around. " hmm I could  put all the brushes right here , ohh... And I could put the hair stuff here " I say to basically myself. After about an hour on getting to know where everything's at , we finally decide to leave and go back to the hotel. " well thanks for the tour ! We'll see you guys tomorrow ". Mariana says as I wave goodbye. " We're excited to be working with you girls , enjoy your time here in London as well ". Daniel says as we wave again and drive off. " now let's go get that ice cream I promised you "! Mariana says as I do a fist pump in the air and say " chocolate chip and cookie dough ice cream , with rainbow sprinkles and a cherry on top here I come "!! I say as Mariana just laughs.

" oh my lord this stuff is amazing "! I say as I eat my ice cream on the way back to the hotel. " ahh!!! brain freeze "!! I say as I wince and Mariana just laughs at me. " you know , I could have brain damage or bleeding internally from my brain and all you do is laugh "! I say as Mariana says " are you hurt, or not breathing properly "? " ummm I'm breathing good and not hurt ". I say confused " then you're not dying so that means I can do this... HAHAHAHAHAHA "!! She laughs as I just Saint at her and say " you evill little girl ". I say as I don't speak to her for the rest of the ride. Once we get into our hotel rooms I still haven't spoke to Mariana. My phone beep to indicate I've got a message.
From: Ari❤️

Hey, let's make an intelligence test!

I look at Mariana and she's just smiling.

To: Ari❤️


From: Ari❤️

Night. U see two lights. What is it?

To: Ari❤️

A car?

From: Ari❤️

Yeah, but is it a Mercedes , a Porsche , or a BMW?

To: Ari❤️

How can I know that?!

From: Ari❤️

Haha ;D see ur stupid. Ok , next question: also at night. U see ONE light. What is it?

To: Ari❤️

A motorcycle..?

From: Ari❤️

Yes. But what brand? Harley or Yamaha?

To: Ari❤️

Dunno! Okay. Let me ask u a question. You see a chick with high heels, a mini skirt , and fishnet tights on the street. Who is it?

From: Ari❤️

A hooker?

To: Ari❤️

Yeah, but who? Your mom, aunt or sister? 😈😎

Mariana threw a pillow at me and I turned to her with a huge smile on my face. " hey! You started it smart one, so don't be getting mad ". I say as she just laughed.

After we talked for awhile and got ready for bed and getting our stuff ready for tomorrow, we decide to call it a night. " see you tomorrow buddy "! Mariana says with excitement. " you too "! I say , just as excited as her.
Ok, I know it probably wasn't long but it's longer than the last chapter XD just saying. Hopefully you guys liked it. I put in my best effort because I wanted this to be fully me as much as possible. That's what this story is about. To let people know the real me. And also to get the stuff out that I really want to say to people. Hope you enjoyed and until next chapter... BYE LOVIES!!!❤️

Being the bad boys sister ( IN THE PROCESS OF EDITING!!!! )Where stories live. Discover now