Your right i am nothing ....

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Bruh! Shiz about to go down !!😱
Don't for get to comment , vote , and follow !!❤️

' this is it, this is were it ends for me, but this is the beginning for em's and I'm going to support her, no matter what'.

"Well , we're all done here ". I say. " I'm gonna miss you". I say as she hugs me. "Promise you'll skype me and txt me whenever you can,please"? " of course ty, I'll never forget you". We hug as my brother kisses her. Yes, my brother and my best friend are dating after I said I forbidden it but, I trust Emma and I know my brother wouldn't do anything to hurt her. Turns out they've been dating for a month and I never knew?' I had to pin both of them against the wall , telling them to never hide a secret like this from me again. Lets just say they pooped very large bricks that day(( 😂 )) . We part our ways as Emma drives off. Tear rolled down as I waved goodbye.
' oh don't , don't cry! Gosh dang it , why do I have to be the emotional one '!

The rest of the weekend was a bore. I barely came out. Only came out to answer the door , pretty much it. I didn't do anything but lay in my bed and stare at the wall. I waited for Emma to text me or call but there was nothing , not even an emoji!

The next day was Monday , having to walk in with me , myself , and I. I went to school pretty late for not wanting to get out of bed but , my brother forced me out. My brother no longer had to repeat his grade since the agreement was get all A's for 2 months and you'll graduate so I ended going to school on my own. I walk in and head to my locker . As I got to it , my locker was spray painted with the color red and it said :
' Watch your back bitch '.

I looked around as people snickered. I ignored and got the books I need and went to class.
The day couldn't get any worse , I had to sit alone at lunch , having food be " accidentally " spilled on me. As lunch was over I was walking to my class when Alison came up.

" awe poor thing , guess she already ran away , do we have to contaminate you "? She says as people snickered. " I don't know , say that to your pet alligator shoes ". I say pointing to her alligator print shoes. " look , I don't think you should be messing with people like us, your brother isn't here anymore and that gives us more fun to have with you , cause you see people like you are nothing , and have no social life at all, so why don't you just go find someplace else that you can fit in , like , I don't know, how about you start with getting bigger sized clothes to fit in ". She says, smiling evilly and walking away. I looked down , tears threatening to fall.

Once I got home , my mom and brother had already set the table for dinner. " hi honey, why don't you put your stuff up and come eat, it's your favorite". She says smiling . I put on a fake smile and said ' ok'. She didn't seem to notice , and neither did Christian . As I sat down a plate of food was set down in front of me. I swallow hard, remembering what Alison said ;

' why don't you find someplace else to fit in, like, i don't know, how about you start with getting bigger sized clothes to fit in '.

" you know , I'm really not hungry, I had lunch and I don't want to over eat , I have lots of homework to do" I say as Christian and my mom look at me with puzzled looks. " o-ok " . My mom says, still a little bit confused. I looked at Christian , as he gave me a suspicious glare. My brother knew about my bullying when I was , he knew how I acted , what I did . I smiled awkwardly and left the dining room and went up to my room. I walked into the restroom and closed my eyes and sighed in relief . I slid down the door and hugged my knees up to my chest. I cried, I had just gotten better but I come back to I once was. I was getting depressed again, and o don't want to tell my mom and Christian cause the last time this happened it was the worst years of my life and probably for theirs, always having to worry. I couldn't help but feel like punishing myself , because Alison is right , I am nothing...


Alright I know I know, depressing but it gets better ... Somewhat , anyways! Please listen to the song up top^^ I love the song cause I listen to it when I'm feeling blue and sorry that it was short I ran out of ideas . Hope you liked it and until next time , BYE LOVIES!!❤️

Being the bad boys sister ( IN THE PROCESS OF EDITING!!!! )Where stories live. Discover now