When ghost attack

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Hey guys, I'm back! I told you I'd be back! Now this is going to be an actual place in London. Details about the place are going to be the introduction of this chapter so, let's get to it.

-History and reports-
Muncaster Castle is one of Britains most haunted buildings. The castle was built in the year 1258. It's original purpose was as fortress to defend against the scots. It was later used as an outpost protecting the trade routes from the Carlisle. Muncaster's famous ghost is a man , who is known by Tom Fools ( Tomas Skelton ). He was the court Jester , reputedly the last in England. He is all accounts a dark character, responsible for many deaths during his time at the Muncaster. Tom would be found under a chestnut tree, just outside the doors of the castle. People would ask the way to Ravenglass, if he didn't like the look of you, he'd direct you to where the quicksand was located instead. ( what an ass, amirite 😂). It was said to be under instruction by Sir William Pennington. ( he's a double ass)! Tom murdered a local Carpenter , by decapitating him. The Carpenter had been having a secret affair with Sir Pennington's daughter , Helwise , but Sir William found out and decided to put a stop to it. Tom carried out the killings to keep favor of his master. Tourists had frightening experiences while standing and looking at the portrait. One tourist says she could plainly hear footsteps on stone floor behind her, and as she turned to look who was behind her, she realized she was alone. The tourists were convinced they heard the footsteps on stone floor but didn't realize that the stairs and corridor was , in fact , fully carpeted until investigators told them.

The Tapestry Room seems to be the focal point of the paranormal activity at the Castle. Guest who have stayed in the room reported hearing babies crying or children singing softly. Black figures have been seen leaning over alarmed guests while others experienced a heavy weight falling on them in the antique four poster bed.

Mary Bragg is one of Muncaster's less well known ghost, who met her violent and untimely end in 1805. Mary was a housekeeper who was in love with the footman at Muncaster Castle. Unfortunately for Mary, she wasn't the only housemaid to be in love with him, and was not too keen on competition. It is said that the house maid had plotted to rid herself of this love rival, and she may have been ultimately responsible for Mary's death. Mary's body was found some weeks later , floating in the River Erk. It was hardly recognizable because of the horrendous injuries. The body had been partially eaten by eels. Nobody was charged with her murder. The spirit of Mary bragg can be often seen wandering the grounds of the castle and along with the local roads. Mary's spirit has been seen wearing her white uniform, however , varies sometimes a misty figure. Other witnesses have reported a solid form or a darting figure sometimes jumping in front of cars before vanishing.
( if you'd like to no more go to GHOST-STORY.CO.UK, make sure to out in Muncaster Castle , Cumbria , England)

Story time!!

" come on just for one night! We leave in 2 days and I told you that we should spend the night in a castle! You promised "! Mariana says, trying to get me to stay the night in an old castle. " fine! Just for you! But don't expect me to dress up like a fucking princess cause ain't nobody got time for that". I say as Mariana squeals in excitement and hugs me tightly. " thank you ! Thank you ! Thank you! You're the best "! She says getting her suit case and calling the place to set a reservation for a room. " come on! I said we'd be there in an hour! Let's go ! Let's go!" She says , practically dragging me out of the hotel.

" are you sure we're going in the right direction "? I say, getting paranoid. " yes! Siri said this way so we go this way ". She says as I say " last time we listened to Siri we ended up in a corn field instead of McDonald's ". I say as she says " true , let's just see if this time she corporates ". She says as I roll my eyes and make an inpatient sound and stare out the window into the sky that was a sunset orange because it was already going to be night. " hey ! We're here "! Mariana says as I look up to see us driving in a country like road , entering the grounds of the old castle. " took long enough! Do you think our room is still saved "? I ask as she says " well let's find out ". As she parks the car and we go into the old castle, that looked about a thousand years old. We walk through the doors to be completely starstruck at how beautiful the place looked. " excuse me "? Mariana says , walking up to the counter. " I made a reservation for the tapestry room? We got kind of lost and I was wondering the room is still available to us "? She asks as the guy said " yes ma'am, the room is still yours , let me get your room key ". He says going to a drawer on the far right corner where a whole bunch of other keys were stashed. " here you go ladies , the room is in the 3rd floor on the right side of the hall, last door to the left, have a nice stay". He says with a smile. " thank you "! We say and smile back politely. We go to the elevator that was obviously added into the ancient building. " this place is amazing "! I say , looking in wonder. " and you said you didn't want to come ". She says as I roll my eyes and said " well , you got me there ". I say as she giggles and the elevator door opens to a dark , spacious room. We look at each other in confusion. " this doesn't look like the 3rd floor ". I say , getting a weird and bad feeling. " I don't think so either". She says . She sticks her head in , turning her flashlight on from her iPhone . " we're on the 5th floor ". She says as I say " uh Mariana ". " yeah "? She says walking into the empty , dark room. " there is no 5th floor ". I say as she stops , frozen in her tracks and says " Tyler stop fucking with me". But she clearly saw the terror in my eyes as I start to panic. " let's just go ". She says as she walks back into the elevator and I push the 3rd floor button. " you weren't kidding! If there's no 5th floor , how'd we get there "? She says " I don't know ! Why are you asking me ! Do I look like Sherlock Holmes "! I say freaking out. The elevator stopped and the doors opened. We were going to walk out but we stopped dead . " what the fuck is going on"?! I say, staring into the same dark, empty room of the supposedly "5th floor ". " is there something wrong with the fucking -" " shhh! ... D-do you hear that "! Mariana cut me off as she looked frozen , a scrunched up face , trying to determine if that's what we're hearing. '🎶  hush little baby , don't say a word, papas gonna buy you a mocking bird ' 🎶

A little girls voice sang, so clearly that
Mariana and I looked at each other completely horrified. The singing stopped and silenced filled the room. " I don't like this, it's way too quiet ". I say, as we step in the room to the side of the elevator. Right when I said that we heard a ball bouncing in the cement and the ball came rolling toward us. We caught our breaths as we heard the same song be sung , but in a much more horrible evil voice right behind us. 🎶papas gonna buy you a mocking bird. 🎶 we looked at each other and screamed. We ran into the elevator and I started pushing the 3rd floor button as we saw a tall , slender figure from afar but it started taking steps toward us. The elevators closed and reopened to the floor we've been trying to get to for like the past 30 minutes. We raced down the hall to our room and hurriedly unlocked it and locked the door behind us as we were safe and sound in the room. " what. The . Fuck . Was . That "! I say, panting . Mariana shook her head and said " I have no flipping clue"! " maybe , we're just tired , maybe we made it all up, let's just get some sleep". I say as she nods her head in agreement. " just because we probably were hallucinating doesn't mean I'm sleeping by myself, so make room "! Mariana says as I agree as well.

I was wide awake. I couldn't sleep from the event that happened. ' what was it "? I repeated that question, overs and overs and can't find no explanation. I've always believed in the whole there's an after life after death but , I never experienced it ever. I mean it could have been our lack of sleep or it could've been a spirit . I perked up as I heard something being dragged across the floor. Like a chair being pushed in. " Ari? Wake up . I think I hear something ". I say as she groans and says " what "? " I hear something. Right when I said that , the same noise was heard but it was louder. Mariana perked her head up, and she sat up by the support of her elbows. " what the-" " shhh!" I say as we continue to hear very closely. As we stared into space , as we listened, the bedroom doorknob started to turn , like someone was going to open the door but making sure not to make sound to wake anyone up but the squeaking didn't help. I sink into the bed , moving closer to Mariana , waiting for the door to open and to see a creepy killer standing there. Nothing happened . Mariana and I sighed in relief but we heard right outside the door children giggling and then footsteps like they were running away. My eyes went wide as well as Marianas and I said " fuck this shit ! I'm out ! Peace ! Yolk!! All yours"!!! I say as we jump out of bed , grab our stuff and take the stairs down to the lobby. " here you go! We had a nice visit ! Byeeee!!" I say as I toss the keys to the guy as he stares at us, not even fazed by it like it happens all the time. We get in the car and we drive like a bat out of hell , getting far, far away from the place as possible.
I told you guys I'd be back! But hopefully you guys liked it cause I really did my research , and I shouldn't have done it at night because I was freaking out xD but I did for you guys ! If you want to learn more the info is at the introduction. I had fun learning about this place, and when I grow up and travel the world I'm gonna visit the place to see if the rumors and stories are true. Hopefully you enjoyed and until next chapter! BYE LOVIES!!!❤️

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