My Celebrity Housemate: Chapter Thirty-Six

Start from the beginning

          "What's going on here?" I said skeptically.

          "Ha-ha... nothing." She swallowed. "So uh, no more Drake, right?"

          "Well yeah. Why would I lie about that? It's not something that you can be proud of too, anyway."

          "Seeing anyone new?" Ryan popped the question. Oh, I see what they are getting at.

          "Uh, no." I said with a straight face.

          "Well then you should!" Delaney got up and gave up at her game. "Besides, there are many fishes in the sea."

          "Don't use that quote."

          "Too late, I already did." She smiled with satisfaction. "I mean, what else do you wanna do? Sit there and wait for Drake to apologize so you two can get together again?"

          "NO." I snapped. "I'm not that easy. I've already made myself clear that I don't like Drake anymore. I don't like a lying, cheating boyfriend who can cause nothing but trouble. Like, thanks to him the whole school knows me as the 'Drake-dumper' now, cuz' I'm like the first and only one who has ever dumped him. All along he's always the dumper, not the dumped."

          "Well good then. Someone needs to teach Drake a lesson." Said Ryan with a broad smile. "I never liked that guy. He seems to have something against Alex."

          "All guys have something against Alex." said Delaney. "They just hate him."

          "Not all guys, just the jealous type." I laughed to myself. The thoughts of other people hating the same guy seems ironic to me.

          "Dude, did you just like, defend him or some sort?"


          "Oh yeah! You just defended Alex! HAH! I knew it!" Delaney exclaimed.

          "No I did not. Didn't you hear the way I laugh? It was meant for mocking..."

          "You just laughed cuz you're nervous. I may not be a girl but I know girls. They laugh when they're nervous!"

          "You like Alex!"

          "Unbelievable." I said woodenly. "You guys are unbelievable."

          "No, you're unbelievable." Said Delaney. "Seriously, we all know that Alex didn't give you the best first impression and stuff, but first impressions don't always give you a clear clue on what they are like. No one judges mainly on first impressions anymore!"

          "Yeah, that's old school." Said Ryan.

          "Anyway," she continued. "I just don't get you at all sometimes. You have this... flawless dude, standing before you, living in your house, but instead of going for him you went outside and searched for some lousy cheesehead who broke your heart and literally lied to your face, when you could've chosen this guy." She pointed at Alex. Wait, what.

          "What are YOU doing here?!" I screamed. "You said you were leaving!"

         "It's a small house." He shrugged. "Nice speech by the way." He smiled suddenly.

          "I know right? No idea where that came from." She laughed. Like, what's so funny?

          There was a long and awkward silence after that. Great. I hate awkward silences, they're just so... awkward.

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