My Celebrity Housemate: Chapter Thirty-Five

Start from the beginning

          "Oh yeah, by the way, I don't really get why'd you dislike that Alex guy. I thought he's pretty nice." She said suddenly.

          "Uh, it's not like I dislike him." I muttered.

          "Well, you shouldn't if you do. He's really sweet. I haven't met a nice guy in a long time. I just had class with him earlier, at least he's talking to me." She beamed.

          "Oh, ha-ha, right." I said uncertainly. "Didn't know that you two get along that well, ha-ha."

          "Yeah, I know right? I certainly have not seen this coming. I mean, he's a year younger and all, if you know what I mean." She chuckled. "This sort of makes my break up with Drake makes sense. Maybe the reason why we broke up was because, well I deserve someone else."

          "Eh?" What does that mean?

          "Oh, you know, like Drake and I aren't meant to be together, blah-blah-blah." She said. "I guess that just goes to show that not every relationship with the cute guy works out."

          "So, who's that someone else?" I asked instead.

          "Who knows?" she shrugged. "Maybe I already know him."


          "I'm having classes with Alex next, so see you around." She waved briskly and walked away.

          I didn't know why, but I had a sudden twist of emotions within me. Did I dislike Alex? Do I still? I don't think so...

          And what does she mean by that?

-Alex's P.O.V-

"I don't think that any girl could have a worse boyfriend, ever."

          Natalie was finishing her last (or was said to be the last for the tenth time) complain about Drake and we only had five minutes left of class. Okay, I'm going to be brutally honest right now that I wasn't even listening to her. Fine, you might say 'What's so brutal about that?', well, ask a girl, any girl, and tell them that you're not listening to them while they were yakking away about something, then you'll know what I'm talking about.

          Anyway, I was really trying to concentrate in class, but I couldn't, and now we only had five minutes left, and I still couldn't concentrate. Looks like I won't be learning anything after all.

          "...and that time when Drake forgot to bring me roses on..."

          Sometimes I wonder if Natalie was really faking the tears. I mean, just in the beginning of class she was sitting right next to me, sobbing so loudly that the whole class was staring at her, and she was saying things like Drake was a meanie and things, and since no one else in class knows her, I had to be the one to comfort her for ten minutes straight.

          Well, she sure seems pretty un-heartbroken to me right now. And they say laughter is the best medicine...

          "...and now he cheats on me with Kate!" she finished off.


          "Duh, haven't you been listening?" Nope.

          "I meant, what about Kate?"

          "Well, Drake cheated on me for Kate! I knew that they had something going on. He told me that they were just friends, and now they're dating, and it appears that they dated before we broke up!" she snapped at thin air.

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