Chapter Thirty-Seven

Start from the beginning

“I’ve got some good news for you. I’ve told you this news every day since the incident but I don’t know if you’ve been listening, your mothers in a psychiatric hospital. Yes jail would probably be a better place for her but the judge ruled that she needs to get psychiatric help before she goes to jail. So when she gets better in the hospital she’s going straight to jail and we’ll never see or hear from her again. She’ll be locked up for the rest of our life. Hurry up and get better baby girl, I love you.”

Wow. That is good news. This crazy psycho mother that everyone has been talking about won’t ever see the light of day again. For some reason this news made me so happy but I was still sad because everyone else was crying and they were sad. Why was everyone so sad? I couldn’t wrap my mind around this. I’m just asleep and I can wake up whenever I wanted to, right now I just need to rest for a while. I don’t know how much longer I’ll be resting but right now I’m contempt with resting for a lot longer than I have already rested. 

I was still lying there. Sleeping. I felt wide-awake but my body was still thinking differently. My body was resting while my mind was racing. I could hear every noise around me yet I could not move or will myself to get up. It was like my body had a mind of its own and I was trapped. I felt trapped inside my own body, unable to control what was going on. No matter how restless I felt, I couldn’t will myself to move. I wished more than anything that the incessant beeping noise would go away.

I didn’t even know what the day was. I didn’t know if it was sunny or raining or if it was nighttime. Oh how I wish I could stare up at the stars right now. I want to cuddle under a blanket with the boy that told me he loved me and gaze at the stars. That sounds like it would be the perfect thing to do right now, especially since that crazy woman is in a mental hospital now.

A warm hand shook me out of my thoughts. Who was here now? I wish I could open my eyes and stare at the people who keep telling me all of these wonderful things, even if they are sad.

“Ken, I know I left you when we were younger. I wouldn’t have if I could have helped it but I can’t have you leaving me now. You can’t leave especially since I just found my way back to you. We’re going to be a family again; we’re going to catch up on lost time. Just please don’t leave me. I love you more than anything. I hate the fact that I wasn’t there for you to stop the abuse mom was doing to you. You just have to hold on and be strong. Please, please if you can hear me open your eyes, move your hand give me a sign that you’re still with us. I can’t lose the only sister that I have.” The man paused and I heard him start sobbing. I wish that I could wrap my arms around him and hold him close to me. I wanted to comfort this man for what he was going through but seeing as how my body still wants to rest there’s nothing that I can do.

“Please Ken, don’t leave me. I need you here with me. If you die I don’t think that I’ll be able to handle it. We’re finally back in each others lives and everything is supposed to get better from here. You can’t leave, if you leave that wont ever happen. Please, I need my sister.”

I wanted to cry, I couldn’t. I wish I could shed at least one tear to show him that I’m in here but I need to rest. This poor guys wants his sister to be okay. As I was lying there thinking about how sad this situation is I felt something wet slide down my face.

“What? Did you just cry? Doctor, nurse someone get in here!” the man started shouting and before I knew it there were multiple hands on me and I could many voices.

“That’s a good sign, she should wake up soon.” A deeper mans voice said.

As I was lying there wondering what was going on a bright light was shown in my eye. Someone lifted up my eyelids and shined a light in them. That hurt a lot and my eyes immediately clamped close. My body was not ready to wake up just yet, despite what the man with the deep voice was saying.

I lay there wishing more than anything to comfort the people who were crying at my bedside. Its not time to yet, my body just couldn’t handle whatever pain it was that was coursing through my body. As I was lying there thinking about the pain I was in another hand fell on mine. This hand was a lot softer than the other hands that have touched me.

“Kendall, its me, Mellissa. It’s your best friends sweetie, I need you to do me the biggest favor. I need you to wake up. I know I haven’t kept in touch with you over the past couple of months but I’m here now. I miss you so much. The fact that you’re lying here in a fucking coma is killing me. I need my best friend back.” She laid her head down on my hand and I could feel the tears that were coming out of her eyes. “Please, please, please wake up. Seeing Mitchell standing next to your bed scared me. Why didn’t you call me and tell me that he was alive? I thought I was your best friend. I was freaking out. I thought I was seeing ghosts. I mean you are in a coma right now and I’m loosing my mind.”

Suddenly I couldn’t feel her hands, head or tears. Where’d she go? Maybe she couldn’t take it and decided to leave. As I rested my mind thinking she had left I felt hands wrap around my arms and then my entire body started to shake. What was going on?

“Wake your ass up Kendall! If you die I swear to go I’ll kill you again. Don’t you dare die on me you son of bitch! Wake up!” as her sobs got louder and more violent my body stopped shaking and her head was lying on my chest. If only I could move my arm and comfort her to tell her that everything will be okay. However moving was not an option at the moment. I needed to rest. Maybe for the rest of my life. 

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