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Posted: June. 23, 2016

As much as it pains me to say this, this story is slowly coming to a close. I'm shooting for 75 chapters or so, so about 8 chapters left.

I want mashed potatoes, or french fries, or hashbrowns, just something made with potatoes. I fucking love potatoes dude, like it might be because I am a potato, or idek, potatoes are just A1.

67. Rowan.

"You know, I hate snow" My mom mumbles, handing me the bottle of tequila.

"Me too, it's so annoying" I huff, taking a swig and handing it to Rosa.

"You know what I love?" Rosa asks, taking a drink, passing it to my mom.

"What?" I ask.

"I love how your accent changes when you're drunk" She giggles, and we continue to pass the bottle between us.

"She gets it from her mama" My mom laughs.

"I get everything from you" I laugh.

"Except your ass, I don't know where that came from" She shakes her head.

"My ass cheeks brings all the boys to the yard..." I mumble out, giggling uncontrollably "Let's call my boy" I gasp, pulling out my laptop and video calling him. He answers quickly, and I see he's in bed, my cat laying on his back.

"Hi Babe" He smiles.

"Hi" I drawl out.

"Are you drunk?" He asks.

"What makes you think that?" My mom asks, leaning into the camera frame.

"Her accent is thicker than usual" He snorts, and Rosa cheers.

"I told you!"

"We're not drunk, we're just out of tequila" I shrug, holding up the empty bottle. He chuckles and shakes his head, moving the phone around on the bed as it begins to slip.

"How much longer till you're home?" He asks and I look at my mom.

"I think it's sooner than Sunday right?" I ask and she nods.


"We're coming back tomorrow because they're calling for a snow storm on Friday and we don't want to get stuck here" I chuckle and he nods.

"Good, I'm lonely" He pouts dramatically.

"That's because my side of the bed is empty" I wink and Rosa giggles nudging her shoulder along mine. My mom just shakes her head, though I've never told her Austin and I are living together, I think she's picked up on little hints about it. 

"It's very empty, my little buddy can't fill it enough" He turns his head to kiss my cat. 

"Oh, so he's your buddy now?" I raise my eyebrows, and he nods, a cute smile on his face. 

"We've bonded over netflix and ice cream" 

"So, he's replaced me?" I laugh "I've been replaced by my own cat" 

"Sorry Baby" He shrugs, my cat moving from Austin's back to in front of his phone, curling his body around Austin's arm "Told you"

"I miss my baby" I coo.

"Aw, I miss you too" Austin grins.

"Not you Darling. My little Taco" I pout and he laughs. 

"I'm sure he misses you too, he sleeps in your slippers" 

"Are you serious?" I laugh, and Austin nods, turning the camera to show my my slipper sitting on the bed. 

"I found this when I cam home from work, and it had him in it" He turns the camera back on him, and I smile. 

She Stayed | ACM |Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz