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Posted: April. 10, 2016

I don't have time to post multiple stories so I'm only going to update this, I'm sorry.

Haha, so I've been saying the guys name is Josh. but it was actually Gabriel and I'm just terrible at remembering character names so I apologize, I'm going to fix them later.

40. Rowan

"I can't believe we have to leave already" I sigh to Rosa as she flops down onto the bed. 

"I know, I don't want to go back" 

"Me neither" 

"So, how has everything been?" She asks.

"Luckily, I haven't heard anything again. But I think Austin knows something is up" I sigh, running my hands through my hair.

"Why don't you tell him what's going on?" 

"Because I don't want him to ask me questions or worry about me. I dealt with it years ago and I don't want to bring anything back up again" I shake my head. 

"But I mean, if he notices something's up, he's going to ask" 

"Just because he knows something is up, doesn't mean he's going to ask" I shrug "But like, it's not like a major change, it's just I don't want to sleep with him. I'm fine with everything but that" 

"I guess that's a goods thing" She nods, and Austin walks out of the bathroom. He shoves his dirty clothes into the front of his suitcase and drops the towel in the corners, turning to face Rosa and I.

"Are you guys ready to go?"

 "Yeah" We nod, and grab our stuff. We walk out of the hotel room and take the elevator down to the lobby, Austin checking out while Rosa and I call a cab. When it pulls up, we put our stuff into the trunk, Rosa and I climbing in, Austin following after us. He wraps his arm around my shoulders and kisses my cheek as we drive to the airport. 

We wait in the airport for our flight to be called, and I lean my head against Austin's chest, his arms wrapping around me "I'm tired" 

"I'm sorry Baby" 

Once our flight is called, we board it, Austin grabbing the window seat, much to my dismay. I sit beside him, and lay my head on his shoulder. I sleep throughout the flight, waking up when the plane jolts as we land. 

We get off the plane and walk to Austin's car. We drive to Rosa's house and drop her off, Rosa waving as she runs up to her front door. Austin drives me to my house, and he follows me inside. My mom walking from the kitchen.

"Oh, he's here" She sneers, and I roll my eyes.

"Nice to see you too Ma" I smile sarcastically. She doesn't respond, she just grabs her purse and pushes past me, slamming the door behind her "She pisses me off" 

"Don't say that" Austin frowns, walking to my couch "She's your mom" 

"But she's annoying as hell" I sigh "I don't know why she doesn't just stop" 

"Because I'm too bad" He winks, and I roll my eyes, smacking his chest playfully. 

"Oh shut up" I giggle "Are you hungry? I want waffles" I stand up from the  couch, walking to the kitchen. My phone rings as I gather the ingredients and I answer it without looking at the caller ID.

"Hello?" I say into the phone.

"I heard your back" His sickly voice says into the phone "I can't wait to come see you"

"Leave me alone" I say quietly, not wanting Austin to hear.

"No can do Baby, I don't want to" He chuckles, hanging up the phone. I drop my phone onto the counter and put all the stuff back, walking back into the living room.

"You alright?" 

"Yeah, just not as hungry anymore" I chuckle, sitting down beside him.

"I have to do an interview for a late night show today, but I'll come back over" Austin looks down at his phone and I nod.

"Okay, I'll be watching" I chuckle, and he grins, kissing my lips quickly.

"I'll see you later Baby" 

"Bye Austin" I smile, as he walks out of my house. I walk to my room, and lay in bed, deciding to take a nap. I wake up around 11:30 pm and I curse to myself. I walk to my kitchen and make a frozen pizza carrying it back to my room. 

I turn on the TV and scroll to the channel Austin is going to be on, and I eat my pizza while waiting for it. Soon it comes on and I find myself smiling as he appears on the screen.

"Welcome Austin" The interviewer smiles.

"It's nice to be here" Austin grins. They begin to talk about his company, and a commercial comes on so I take my plate down to my kitchen and sit it in the sink grabbing a bottle of water and carrying it up to my room. When I return I see they're playing a game and I laugh at how all interviewers do is play games.

"So, the way you play is you pick a card, each card having a song title on it. You sing a ling of the song, but it can't be a part of the chorus or have the song title in it, got it?" 

"Got it" Austin nods and they begin playing. Austin picks a card first and I'm honestly impressed at his voice. He's much better than what I'd think and I'm pretty surprised. Soon the interview is over, and I walk down the steps to unlock the door so he can get back inside. 

I lay in bed, and wait for him, turning off the TV. I hear footsteps coming down the hallway, and I smile. My door creaks open and I pretend to be asleep, and the bed dips beside me, an arm slinging around my waist. 

"Still as curvy as I remember" 


I hope you enjoyed this chapter
I love you all



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