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Posted: June. 19, 2016

64. Rowan

"Are you sure you don't want to go?" I ask for the millionth time.

"Yeah I'm sure" He nods, looking up from his laptop "Go have fun without me"

"You made a big deal about me not asking you, and you don't even want to go" I roll my eyes, zipping my suitcase, and pulling off the bed and to the floor "It's going to be so cold" I sigh, walking to the closet to change.

"Where in Argentina are you from?" Austin asks, as I pull out a pair of boots.

"I'm from Mendoza" I chuckle, pulling on my boots.

"So, your last name and the place you're from is the same?"

"Yeah, my mom thought it was the coolest thing" I shrug.

"Your last name isn't your dad's?"

"Nope, I have no clue what his last name is" I pull on one of Austin's hoodies, tying the strings in a little bow. I drag my suitcase to the front door and walk back to the room, grabbing my charger and headphones, putting them into the pocket of my hoodie.

"Ready to go?" Austin asks, turning off his laptop.

"Yeah, we just have to pick up my mom and Rosa" I slide my phone into the pocket of my sweatpants. Austin follows me out to the car, my hand grabbing my suitcase on the way out, and I get into the passenger seat, as Austin takes my suitcase to put in the trunk and gets into the drivers seat. He turns on the car and I text Rosa telling her we're on our way.

We get to Rosa's house in about 45 minutes, the only downside to living out of the city. Rosa and my mom walk out of the house, Austin getting out and grabbing their things to put in the trunk with mine. Rosa and my mom climb into the backseat, Rosa bright eyed while my mom looks like she could pass out at any moment.

"Hola" She mumbles.

"Hi ma" I say happily "Do you have everything?" I ask.

"Sí" She nods.

"Do you need a nap?"

"Sí" She repeats.

"Do you love me?" I giggle, and she looks up at me through her lashes.

"No" She shortly responds.

"Well, okay" I mock hurt "That's fine, let's get going"

Austin drives us to the airport which is a much quicker drive and we grab our things, walking inside and sitting down since we're a little early. My mom sits down next to me, her head on my shoulder as she tries to take a short nap.

"I'm so excited" Rosa drawls out "It's been so long"

"I'm just upset it's winter, it's going to be so fucking cold" I frown "Ow!" I squeal, when my mom pinches my arm.

"Cuidado con lo que dices" She scolds and I sigh. ("Watch your mouth)

"Lo siento mama" I roll my eyes.

"Flight 654A to Mendoza Argentina is now boarding, please make your way through security" A voice says over the intercom and my mom and Rosa stand up, grabbing their things.

"We'll leave you to alone" Rosa says "We'll meet you on the plane" She smiles, walking off with my mom.

"How long is your flight?" Austin stands up, kissing my forehead lightly.

"13 and a half hours" I frown.

"So you'll be there at what...10?"

"Yes, but it'll be 11 where I am" I tell him "I'll miss you"

"I'll miss you more" He pecks my lips "I love you, and call me as much as possible"

"I will, promise" I nod, wrapping my arms around his shoulders "Don't forget to feed my cat"

"I won't" He chuckles, pulling away "I love you"

"I love you" I say, grabbing my suitcase "Bye Austin"

"Bye Ro" He blows me a kiss, and I pretend to catch it, putting it in my pocket, giggling quietly. I make my way through security as quick as possible, getting on the plane to prepare for a long ass flight. My mom immediately falls asleep and Rosa and I laugh as she quietly snores.


My mom mumbles under her breath as we stand in the airport in Mendoza, Argentina "Ah!" She cheers, running off.

"Mama!" I yell after her, chasing her while, dragging both of our suitcases.

"Alejandro!" She grins, hugging a tall, and very familiar boy, or should I say man?

"Cierra" He kisses both her cheeks, his eyes flickering to me.

"Damn, Mami" He twirls me around, biting his lip.

"Tiene un novio" My mom smacks the back of his head, and he curses. (She has a boyfriend)

"Lo siento" He chuckles, and I blush, looking down at the ground.

"You look nice, better than I remember" I compliment, and he laughs.

"Thank you" He kisses my cheeks, hugging me tightly "It's nice to see you again"

"You too" I smile as we pull away from each other.

"Alejandro, nice to see you" Rosa greets.

"You as well, Rosa" He hugs her "So, I'll take you to your hotel" He grabs our things, carrying them to his car. When we walk out of the airport, I'm engulfed by the cold air, a shiver running down my spine. We get into his car, and he drives us to the hotel, and we check in, Alejandro helping us take our stuff to our room. My mom immediately walks into the room, Rosa following after her while Alejandro and I stand outside of the door, my head against the wall.

"Happy to be back?" He asks in his thick accent.

"Actually yes" I nod "It's cold, but I'm happy to be here"

"I'm happy you're here too" He grins "So, you really have a boyfriend?"

"Yeah, I do" I nod.

"Hmm, that's too bad" He taps my nose "I'll see you later" He walks down the hallway, leaving me alone.

"Hmm, first year without your weird little Argentine affair" Rosa giggles, peaking her head out of the door "What are you ever going to do?"

"Call my boyfriend" I pull out my phone, walking into the hotel room.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter
I love you all



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