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As I push Perrie inside the elevator, I place my hands over her hips and sat her on the rail.

She trailed her hands around my neck  and kissed me gently as the doors closed and the lift took off.

"What are you doing?," I chuckle as I brang my lips to the bridge of her nose " are you rewarding me early?"

"Hhm," she said "I think so." she laughed as she snaked her hands down my side and trailed it up my shirt.

"Wonder why they don't have any cameras in your lift." I say as I trailed kisses down her neck.

"We do," she answered as she gave way "it just doesn't work. Besides I don't think security wants sex tapes." she laughed.

"When was the last time we actually ever slept in your apartment?" I smile.

"I don't know actually," she answered "but it's about time. I miss my own bed," she laughed "no offence to yours upstairs."

"None taken," I answer "but sooner or later we need to decide which one we'll live in. Unless you wanna move out and find a flat."

She smiled and hopped down as the lift doors seperated " For the convenience of our current neighbours," she said "we should move out."

"Why? Have we been too loud?" I ask.

"Well no offence to you but you're kinda loud when we do our stretches. Not that I mind. But for the sake of the young children next door we should really turn it down. You especially." she answered as we took a walk down the corner and down to her apartment.

"It's actually great that I don't have neighbours beside me yet. You can be as loud as you want."

"But if you think about it," she started "you're the reason I'm loud."

She pulled out an imaginary pen and notebook and started scribbling the air " Pros are that I make you loud so I'm def doing it right. Cons... not that I no of."

I laughed and nudged her into the wall.
"You fuck."

" What was that?" she asked as she cupped her ear and came closer "you want me to fuck you back to sleep? Is that right?"

I rolled my eyes and gave her the finger as I left her behind " Fuck yourself." I joke as I reached her apartment and leaned against the door.

"Other than the handfull of dirty crap we're yabbering about," she said as she unlocked the door " Michael said he wanted to come over. He's bringing Haz and Calum. But I said they couldnmy if they didn't bring food. So in about 30 minutes they'll be here with Nachos and Pizza."

A smile appeared as she mentioned Nachos. "Yes Nachos! My love of my life."

"So that makes me what? Nachos are the love of your life so yeah what am I?"

"Perrie Louise Edwards and soon to be Pinnock. Imagine us soon. Leigh Anne and Perrie Pinnock."

"Well I guess Nachos can never get your surname so lucky me," she answered as she threw herself onto the couch and spread herself all over "This couch is amazing," she said as she rolled over and closed her eyes " I missed it so much.

"Hope you don't mind." I say.


I threw myself by her legs and laughed as she screamed "Pinnock what the fuck!" she screamed.

I laughed and watched her try to ease the pain.

"You bitch. What was that for?!"

"Don't you wanna get laid?"

Her eyes shot open and her hand met my arm "You little fuck. Yes but not now." she laughed.

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