Everything I Didn't Say

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I push my key into the door and smiled as I heard the door unlock. After a long day I was keen to get in bed.

As I stepped foot inside I closed the door behind me and hung my bag by the rack.

I walked over and placed my keys by the small desk to see a small note stuck onto the wall.

It read:

happy anniversary leigh-leigh!
as a treat i decided to surprise you. come and find me ;) and don't fucking cheat.

I laughed as I read the note underneath it.

'heart attack'

So  I bet you're standing there right now thinking what the fuck I planned. But don't worry. It won't take long...

I giggled.

Baby you got me sick I don't know what I did. Need to take and figure it out. Got your voice in my head saying lets just be friends can't believe the words came outta your mouth

So again you're probs wondering what the fuck I'm rambling on about.. So for the past four months I've been writing about you. And I don't been a diary entry. But a song :)

And if you're wondering what I mean by 'heart attack' I'll tell you why.

Remember when we first officially met at my apartment?? ( Hopefully do do cause that'll be extremely awkward)

My first thought was:
"You're giving me a heart attack looking like you do"

(Now moving on swiftly)

I laughed and walked towards the next sticky note. It was on the couch..

So the couch you make ask... why?
If you think hard enough you'll remember that this is where we shared our first actual fuck. Like literally.

And girl you 'make my body move' like a freaking wave out in the ocean. Like damn.

I laughed.

Good thing it's comfy as hell.

I put the note in my pocket along with the other and went on to the next.
And surprisingly it was by the kitchen bench

Don't expect me to come out anytime soon with some Nachos but I do have some "cheesy" memories with you here. ( Pun intended)

This is where I had my first 'what do you mean' moment with you.

Flashblack (not really) to when I asked to take photos of you. And you came alon saying you ain't no model. Bish don't test me. You could literally be the next Kendall Jenner.

Her puns and flashbacks to past memories made me want to cry. This was all too much to handle. Like what did I ever do to deserve my little bundle of sunshine?

As I walked over to the next note I realised it was on my door.

Before you take your ass inside this room I just wanted to say something.
No matter how many memories this apartment holds..
It'll never beat the one that holds so much meaning to me. Our first kiss we shared in my room. Even if it wasn't here exactly it doesn't matter just like how many times all day i dream about sex with you or how nobody can love me like you.. like I could ramble on forever honestly.. but I'm running outta room on this note so see you in a bit. Love you xx Perrie xx

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