Chapter Thirty - Josh Gets Dirty

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P.o.v Fans in the crowd

Oh my god.. I can't believe we're about to see Twenty One Pilots.

I know! Thank you so much for letting me come with you.

You're my best friend, there isn't anyone else I'd rather experience a life changing moment with.

You know what, I feel that on a personal level fam.

Just remember, if you cry I have tissues, if you need to leave the crowd I'll text you so you can find me.

Will do. Aghhhh! we're ten minutes away from seeing them in person.

Ten minutes passed and suddenly a shiver sent down my spine, as if... I wasn't worthy enough to be at this concert, I didn't deserve to see such perfection, but at the same time a shiver telling me, this is your moment, after everything leading up to this second, all the night you spent alone channeling out your blurryface to the sound of Josh's drums and Tyler's feeling put in every song to help you face another day. You. Deserve. This. No you don't, who are you kidding, your life is horrible. You deserve the fucking scum on the floor of a public bathroom in a run down gas station. Low on self esteem so you run on gasoline. You won't ever amount to anyth-

Yo! You good? You just zoned out.

Uh, yeah just had a moment.
(Maybe everyone does have their own Blurryface)

Okay, I was just making sure because OH MY GOD, ITS FUCKING THEM.

They both collected themselves and had joked about a youtuber who reacts to their videos. They both sang,

Everyone sing along,
Twenty one pilots
Twenty one pilo-ots
Twenty one pilots
Twenty one pilo-ots

She?? She?!

As the show passed the feeling that Tyler and Josh were a bit pissed off became more apparent.

Aghh! Catch as much confetti as you can.


P.o.v Josh

"What the hell was that??"

"What do you mean Josh it was great.. Can I get some water?" Tyler said to a techy.

"No you know exactly what I'm talking about. You sang she pronouns in Tear In My Heart."

"I didn't mean to, the first one was an accident it seemed more fitting to just go along with it." As he took a gulp of that quality H2O.

"Seemed more fitting?" Josh questioned that line. "Okay.."

As they got on the bus Josh hadn't said a word when usually this is the point where they'd be making out or eating together.

"You know I can hear you breathing right??"

"Wow am I hearing things??"

"Josh. You know that I love you,it just kind of slipped as 'She' instead of 'he.' If I could take it back I would."

"I'm sorry.... I've just been having weird mood changes ever since what happened at the last festival. I just don't want to see you hurt, ever."

"I know babe... You don't think it scared me either? We cut that show early, I'm scared to ever play there again."

"You shouldn't be afraid though, you don't deserve to live in fear.. Anymore."

Josh instantly regretted adding the word anymore' as he watched Tyler's facial expression change completely.

Twenty One Pilots- Joshler Now We're Stressed OutWhere stories live. Discover now